Fallen Leaf-- SF-7 TEST

by Peter Elgar

Here is a result on my SF-7 'Gift' body -- I found some old 'Lloyds Pharmacy 200ASA ( Agfa)' in my stash so thought it would be OK for 'Testing' even if colours were no good BUT it came out well !! It was dated 02/2006 but had been in fridge. I had to over-ride the 'DX Coding' on Camera Body to downrate it as kit was old -- I stuck some paper over the cassette DX code and it defaulted to 100ASA. I processed film myself in C41 mix. LENS was my SMC Pentax-F 35-80mm f4-5.6 at f5.6 and manual exposure 1/250th
Liked by  pauljay
Uploaded04/08/2017 - 09:15
CategoryClose Up
Shutter Speed74099370.666667 sec
Focal Length74099370.666667mm

Posted 05/08/2017 - 22:26 Link
It works nicely Peter!

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)

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