by Francisbd
Construit sur un éperon rocheux surplombant la Semois et dominant la ville moderne, il a appartenu à Godefroy de Bouillon qui en a hérité de son oncle. Il l'a revendu afin de financer son départ pour la première croisade vers la Terre sainte. Les premières fortifications commencent au VIIIe siècle. Le donjon du château est construit entre 1080 et 1090. Suivant la promesse conclue entre le prince-évêque de Liège et Godefroy de Bouillon en 1096 et la mort du dernier en 1100, le château devient la propriété des princes-évêques de Liège puis des ducs de Bouillon et le reste jusqu'à la conquête française en 1794.
Built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Semois and dominating the modern city, it belonged to Godefroy de Bouillon who inherited it from his uncle. He sold it in order to finance his departure for the first crusade to the Holy Land. The first fortifications began in the 8th century. The castle keep was built between 1080 and 1090. Following the promise made between the prince-bishop of Liège and Godfrey of Bouillon in 1096 and the death of the latter in 1100, the castle became the property of the prince-bishops of Liège and then of the dukes de Bouillon and the rest until the French conquest in 1794.
Built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Semois and dominating the modern city, it belonged to Godefroy de Bouillon who inherited it from his uncle. He sold it in order to finance his departure for the first crusade to the Holy Land. The first fortifications began in the 8th century. The castle keep was built between 1080 and 1090. Following the promise made between the prince-bishop of Liège and Godfrey of Bouillon in 1096 and the death of the latter in 1100, the castle became the property of the prince-bishops of Liège and then of the dukes de Bouillon and the rest until the French conquest in 1794.
Uploaded25/01/2024 - 15:26
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