Candlelight at Holy Trinity, Coventry.
by davidwozhere
One where the K1's flippy screen comes in handy.
Uploaded21/12/2023 - 22:40
Posted 22/12/2023 - 11:31
Lovely compo and lighting and i especially like the way the viewer is led into the picture..Liked
Posted 22/12/2023 - 13:04
Yes, A nice lead in with the low view point and reflected red catches my eye.
Posted 22/12/2023 - 14:47
Flan wrote:
Superb, Davidwoz, lighting, colour,clarity and depth
Superb, Davidwoz, lighting, colour,clarity and depth
That about sums it up - superb
Posted 22/12/2023 - 20:06
I like the low down perspective giving great lead in lines. A shot I wouldn't have thought of attempting. Would be interesting to repeat without the people and see the point of interest shift to the stained glass figure of Christ.
K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.
K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.
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