Above a misty Bamford
by AndrewA
Another old shot revisited, much happier with this version.
Uploaded09/04/2014 - 20:46
CategoryLandscape / Travel
Posted 09/04/2014 - 21:54
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
Posted 09/04/2014 - 23:14
WaypointCharlie wrote:
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
That's why photography is great - we all see things differently! All opinions are valid and we will never all agree. I think it's important that we do give constructive feedback without being nasty or offensive, this is how I learned to improve. I do find that there is not enough feedback on Gallery images, but maybe some would think that I give too much?
Posted 10/04/2014 - 14:12
I love this picture Andrew, lovely shot, i've been trying myself to get some mist in a pic. but i'm always to late.
Posted 10/04/2014 - 18:10
davidstorm wrote:
That's why photography is great - we all see things differently! All opinions are valid and we will never all agree. I think it's important that we do give constructive feedback without being nasty or offensive, this is how I learned to improve. I do find that there is not enough feedback on Gallery images, but maybe some would think that I give too much?
WaypointCharlie wrote:
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
That's why photography is great - we all see things differently! All opinions are valid and we will never all agree. I think it's important that we do give constructive feedback without being nasty or offensive, this is how I learned to improve. I do find that there is not enough feedback on Gallery images, but maybe some would think that I give too much?
I had thought about cropping the post out, but I can't work out if I prefer it or not!
Posted 10/04/2014 - 21:05
Love everything about this from the post to the pheasants to the spire the mist and the hills beyond
Posted 11/04/2014 - 09:37
The post is saying 'This is my view and it changes in the blink of a morning to an afternoon to an evening. Do you like it as much as I do?' to the guy who's looking over it's shoulder, who happens to be me at this moment in time Pictures should tell stories too and not just be about rules. Who made these rules anyway? We'd end up with a boring load of similarities. March on Andrew and take instinctive shots alongside the experimentations. You've done pretty damn fine so far.
"The Latent Image that exists before development is a truly mystical and exciting entity and some subsequent individual photographs can make the spine tingle."
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Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
Good Fortune:
Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
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Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu
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