WTB K-7, 18-55mm WR, M 50mm 1.7 and DA 55-300, Again.
If you have a crime number the insurance really ought to honour it. Do you happen to pay extra to insure such expensive items? - I have cameras and computers mentioned on our policy so they are covered even when not at home.
John K
I must look into more detailed insurance over here, this has opened my eyes to how different it is from the UK!
I have an 18-55mm WR in excellent condition, as new really as I only used it twice. I also have an excellent M50mm f1.7.
I have a Q with 01 prime, 04 toy wide and unofficial but good quality Q/K adaptor. I have been half-minded to sell but I haven't decided, would depend on price, which I haven't yet thought about either.
I have 55-300 that i could sell and if you are interested i could sell mi FA50/1.4 either.
Let me know which lens you would be interested in and i send some pictures.
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33 posts
15 years
Anyway if anyone has any of the above, in good condition for sale and are happy to post to France, please do let me know.