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Whats the best Pentax manual camera?

Posted 07/12/2013 - 20:47 Link
QuestionableCarrot wrote:
Just putting this question out there.

Very interested in getting one because I have started to buy a lot of manual lenses.



Which camera does manual best?
isn't that a lot like asking which car does "Neutral" best. Doesn't EVERY car ever made do "Neutral"?
Fired many shots. Didn't kill anything.
Edited by Don: 07/12/2013 - 20:47
Posted 09/12/2013 - 12:28 Link
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ronniemac wrote:
The MX cause its so neat and portable,(although I prefer the KX/LX exposure needle to the MX traffic lights).

The LX because it has versatility and is everything a 35mm camera should be.

I like the MX traffic lights, it's easy to +/- EV with them. The LX does not have a exposure needle it uses the LEDs which indicate the correct shutter speed.

I've got an ; LX, MX, ME Super & MV which one to use? normally a choice between the LX or MX.

Pentax K1ii, K3, K-m & MX-1.
Pentax LX, MX, ME Super & MV.
"Old Skool" with the new!

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