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What sort of monitor do people use ?

Posted 25/06/2019 - 19:33 Link
I have a Hazro 24 inch IPS monitor, which cost £448 in 2008 and am now thinking about an
upgrade to a 32 inch IPS additional monitor. The Hazro has been brilliant for 11 years now
and for a lot of its recent time it is just my main TV screen, connected to a Humax HD FOX T2
freeview box, and an Amptastic amp for sound. I'm not sure what the normal lifespan is
for a monitor that is powered on for ~8 hours a day !.

The new monitor will be primarily for my computer (Win7 32bit pro) but needs to
work with the STB as well, without any black bands around the picture. My Hazro
shows the whole picture without borders and circular objects appear correctly
with no obvious distortion.

Is it worth going for a 4K monitor ?. What do other people use ?. The problem with
4K monitors is that few, if any are IPS panels.

4K monitors use a lot more power, significant if it is on for hours on end, and all that
power means heat. I already have to avoid using my computer in the sort of weather
we are getting this week because the room gets up to and over 25 C fairly quickly, even
though it faces north, so gets no solar gain.

The Hazro is full HD but 16:10 which give a useful extra bit of space.
Dell still do a 30 inch 16:10 monitor, but it is quite pricy.

Posted 26/06/2019 - 08:30 Link
I've just gone LG 34" ultrawide 21:9 aspect ratio.
Crazy big and wide and ideal for video work with a long timeline, but less relevant for photos, especially if you are doing portrait work.
Posted 30/06/2019 - 09:07 Link
I use an iMac 27". I have not done any calibrating.
Best regards

PPG link
Posted 30/06/2019 - 20:23 Link
I use MacBook pro 2014 with external monitor Nec 22" (not enough space on my desk) both calibrated with Spyder 5 Pro+. Excellent result the calibration works perfect.
I am happy with this solution and is possible to see immediately the difference before and after calibration.
Have a nice week.

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