What's your latest acquisition?
Posted 01/05/2023 - 16:59
I've been wanting a pair of these ever since someone posted an image in the gear thread of a anniversary special set. Never managed to find the special so settled for an unspecial pair. I hadn't realised how small and cute they are!

Pentax binoculars par Kris Lockyear, on ipernity

Pentax binoculars par Kris Lockyear, on ipernity
Kris Lockyear
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Posted 01/05/2023 - 21:21
pschlute wrote:
Very classy Kris
Very classy Kris
Yep - that what you call Class Glass!
Posted 01/05/2023 - 21:38
Neat petite the finest glass you ever want to meet
Barrie - Too Old To Die Young
Posted 01/05/2023 - 21:42
bforbes wrote:
Neat petite the finest glass you ever want to meet
Neat petite the finest glass you ever want to meet
The finest tune ever released by the legend Jocky Wilson
Posted 01/05/2023 - 21:43
LennyBloke wrote:
The finest tune ever released by the legend Jocky Wilson
bforbes wrote:
Neat petite the finest glass you ever want to meet
Neat petite the finest glass you ever want to meet
The finest tune ever released by the legend Jocky Wilson
Did he not play darts as well
Barrie - Too Old To Die Young
Posted 16/05/2023 - 16:11
A K3 iii.
Yeah, the resolve not to get one because my K3 is good enough for what I do was fatally weakened when I realised that having a two cameras with similar capabilities but different lenses attached (macro and long tele) would avoid hasty lens changes when looking for flowers, bugs and birds. A quick check of the 'use by' date on the resolve showed that it was about to expire so it was a choice between another K3, a K3 ii or a K3 iii. A K3 or K3 ii (used) would have been much cheaper, of course. However, the annual cost of the K3 iii (used) if spread across 9 years (which is the length of time I've had the K3) didn't seem unreasonable and is a lot less than a friend spends each year on his hobby - a Lotus Elise.
First impressions are favourable (no surprise there!). I tried the DA300mm + 1.4TC on both K3 and K3 iii yesterday evening as light was falling and the K3 iii was well ahead in both acquiring focus (expected) and shake reduction (not expected). Now I just need to find an opportunity to go out and use it in anger. My heart says take the camera out ... but my head says there's a lot of work to be done in the house and garden .
Yeah, the resolve not to get one because my K3 is good enough for what I do was fatally weakened when I realised that having a two cameras with similar capabilities but different lenses attached (macro and long tele) would avoid hasty lens changes when looking for flowers, bugs and birds. A quick check of the 'use by' date on the resolve showed that it was about to expire so it was a choice between another K3, a K3 ii or a K3 iii. A K3 or K3 ii (used) would have been much cheaper, of course. However, the annual cost of the K3 iii (used) if spread across 9 years (which is the length of time I've had the K3) didn't seem unreasonable and is a lot less than a friend spends each year on his hobby - a Lotus Elise.
First impressions are favourable (no surprise there!). I tried the DA300mm + 1.4TC on both K3 and K3 iii yesterday evening as light was falling and the K3 iii was well ahead in both acquiring focus (expected) and shake reduction (not expected). Now I just need to find an opportunity to go out and use it in anger. My heart says take the camera out ... but my head says there's a lot of work to be done in the house and garden .
Posted 17/05/2023 - 23:40
A Pentax LX film camera.
Hankered after one for a while and after having various M series ones break (the last MX didn't fare well in Arctic Norway in November) i took the plunge when Jonathan had one for sale on the forum.
Shot two rolls of Kentmere 100 on a walk by the river, one in Auto mode, the 2nd in manual mode. The negs look good and the camera is a joy to use, very solid and just 'right'.
The only problem is fitting a strap as they did away with standard lugs, but i managed to find some online.
quite tempted by the waist-level viewfinders... if i can find and afford one!
Hankered after one for a while and after having various M series ones break (the last MX didn't fare well in Arctic Norway in November) i took the plunge when Jonathan had one for sale on the forum.
Shot two rolls of Kentmere 100 on a walk by the river, one in Auto mode, the 2nd in manual mode. The negs look good and the camera is a joy to use, very solid and just 'right'.
The only problem is fitting a strap as they did away with standard lugs, but i managed to find some online.
quite tempted by the waist-level viewfinders... if i can find and afford one!
Pentax k1000, MX, ME Super, K5iiD 18-55, Tamron 70-300, Tamron 500 mirror, pentax 10-17, 50 1:4, a manual 28, some extension tubes and a bagful of memory cards. That's all i need... and a load of film cameras too... that's it, honest.
Posted 19/05/2023 - 15:37
The range of viewfinders for the LX is brilliant. I have several including the waist level one, they are an extra facet of the joy of the LX.
Pentax film, Q/Q7 and K3iiiM user
Posted 19/05/2023 - 16:02
laurencea wrote:
quite tempted by the waist-level viewfinders... if i can find and afford one!
quite tempted by the waist-level viewfinders... if i can find and afford one!
The one that looks like a TLR (the FF-1) looks cool but is next to useless. It is also rare and expensive. The FB-1/FC-1 combo is much more functional if a little bulky. It gives you the option to use the FD-1 and FD-2 finders as well. I mainly use the FA-1W finder although I do like the smooth lines of the FA-2.
It took me a while but I did manage to get a complete set eventually.
I'd like to get the later version of the grip that has a lug on the side so that you can mount the strap normally, but have never seen one which isn't a painful price.
Enjoy the LX. Mine has been around the world with me... literally.
Kris Lockyear
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Posted 19/05/2023 - 20:31
pixels don't make pictures
Posted 20/05/2023 - 22:54
K10D wrote:
Good info for LX finders.
Good info for LX finders.
thanks all for the LX tips. I found a similar thing on the viewfinders yesterday, very handy indeed as i had my eye on an "affordable" one online, only to see it was just the eyepiece!
Pentax k1000, MX, ME Super, K5iiD 18-55, Tamron 70-300, Tamron 500 mirror, pentax 10-17, 50 1:4, a manual 28, some extension tubes and a bagful of memory cards. That's all i need... and a load of film cameras too... that's it, honest.
Posted 22/05/2023 - 13:10
laurencea wrote:
A Pentax LX film camera.
Hankered after one for a while and after having various M series ones break (the last MX didn't fare well in Arctic Norway in November) i took the plunge when Jonathan had one for sale on the forum.
Shot two rolls of Kentmere 100 on a walk by the river, one in Auto mode, the 2nd in manual mode. The negs look good and the camera is a joy to use, very solid and just 'right'.
The only problem is fitting a strap as they did away with standard lugs, but i managed to find some online.
quite tempted by the waist-level viewfinders... if i can find and afford one!
A Pentax LX film camera.
Hankered after one for a while and after having various M series ones break (the last MX didn't fare well in Arctic Norway in November) i took the plunge when Jonathan had one for sale on the forum.
Shot two rolls of Kentmere 100 on a walk by the river, one in Auto mode, the 2nd in manual mode. The negs look good and the camera is a joy to use, very solid and just 'right'.
The only problem is fitting a strap as they did away with standard lugs, but i managed to find some online.
quite tempted by the waist-level viewfinders... if i can find and afford one!
I looked around for a waist-level finder when I had the LX but the only one I found cost almost as much as the camera. I bought a sheet of black foam with the intention of making a shade and using the camera with no finder at all (which can't be done with most other SLRs with interchangeable viewfinders) but I never got around to it.
For my part I got hold of a few items that were waiting for me when I went home last week:
- A third Z1 camera which seems to work fine
- An SMC Tak 50/1.4 from Lenny bloke which is also in good condition and works well
- A Nikon Ai 50mm f/1.4. It seems OK but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with Nikon manual lenses and it's really nothing special - aperture in whole stops only, quite poor manual focus (feels almost like using an AF lens in MF) and performance that's a little worse than the Pentax K or M 50/1.4s.
- A preset Tele-Takumar 300/6.3 I had been looking forward to but unfortunately the people at West Yorkshire Cameras still seem to have problems with either honesty or accurately assessing the condition of what they sell. Manual focus feels like the grease has mostly dried up, which was not really unexpected, but they'd made no mention of the obvious fungus in the lens. Of the four items which aren't accessories I've bought from them, three have been in much worse condition than described (the exception being the Z1 above). Certainly not a company to be trusted unfortunately. I ended up just leaving the 300mm at my parents' house, it wasn't even worth the suitcase space it would have taken up to bring it back.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 22/05/2023 - 20:39
Sorry to hear of your problems with WYC; I've bought a few large format lenses from them and all have been exactly as described or better. Maybe I've been lucky or you unlucky?
Pentax film, Q/Q7 and K3iiiM user
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14 years
Madrid / Edinburgh
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses