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Weekly Competition 467 - 'Blue'

Posted 20/06/2016 - 18:29 Link
Dear All

The subject for the next weekly competition is 'Blue'. Please use your imagination to interpret this as widely as possible - it could be the colour or it could be the mood/emotion, it's up to you. The closing date is 26th June.

I look forward to your contributions.

K-5iiS; K-r; ME Super; ME; DA* 16-50 f2.8; DA 18-135 WR; DA 55-300 WR; HD DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited; FA 50mm f1.4; A50mm f1.7; DAL 18-55mm; M40mm f2.8; + assorted non-Pentax lenses

My Flikr Page link

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