Very nearly returned to the fold this week...Or HOLY BREXIT BATMAN!
Posted 16/09/2016 - 09:42
Still £999 at Bristol Cameras if you hurry.
John K
Posted 16/09/2016 - 09:48
JAK wrote:
Still £999 at Bristol Cameras if you hurry.
Still £999 at Bristol Cameras if you hurry.
Yeah I've seeen it in a few places but all of them are ones I've had trouble with in the past, I will not deal with Bristol Cameras, and thinking more about it, I'm looking to get a couple of more lenses for my current system, which I don't mind going second hand for, and have updated my buying stratagy for the rest of this year and next. It means keeping all the kit I now have and buying one of the two lenses this year and a lens and an extra body next year instead of this, I cannot mention what I am buying these days because it's not Pentax...

Cheers Jules...
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 16/09/2016 - 10:31
HI Mike, I actually would like to come back but there is nothing in the current Pentax lineup that compells me to do so, the K1 could have but the price has gone up, the lenses are too big expensive and heavy, the K70 was a good idea too but only a stopgap until a newer K3 would be released?
Don't get me started on the Pentax lenses though, new ones are coming thru fair enough but there are some in the lineup that look like they wer'e dug up on the Devon coast!
I was only looking around due to the release of a new body for my current system, which is APSC and I won't pay over a grand for an APSC anything, no matter how good it is! I reckon any future K3 or whatever will sit around a grand and still be undercutting the competition by a good percentage, Maybe I'll stick around a bit more than I have as I like the crack ( and the banter Mike ).
I wouldn't hold your breath for me to be owning a Pentax again any time soon now though...
Don't get me started on the Pentax lenses though, new ones are coming thru fair enough but there are some in the lineup that look like they wer'e dug up on the Devon coast!
I was only looking around due to the release of a new body for my current system, which is APSC and I won't pay over a grand for an APSC anything, no matter how good it is! I reckon any future K3 or whatever will sit around a grand and still be undercutting the competition by a good percentage, Maybe I'll stick around a bit more than I have as I like the crack ( and the banter Mike ).
I wouldn't hold your breath for me to be owning a Pentax again any time soon now though...
Cheers Jules...
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 16/09/2016 - 11:03
Buy now before the cost of FREE DELIVERY goes up!
Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
Posted 16/09/2016 - 12:31
Mike-P wrote:
I am still more than happy with my K-5IIs. I bought a K-3II and grip a few weeks ago but apart from focus adjusting a few lenses on it I haven't even taken it out of the back garden.
I am still more than happy with my K-5IIs. I bought a K-3II and grip a few weeks ago but apart from focus adjusting a few lenses on it I haven't even taken it out of the back garden.
I hear ya there Mike, that 16Mp sensor of Sony's hit a sweetspot and no mistake, of the 24's I've tried, the K3 is about the best of em, never even held a K3 II, or seen one actually, all the Pentax gear having now disappeared from my local bricks and mortar shop (Wilkinsons). Pentax seem to balance the Dynamic range/sharpness/signal noise ratio better than most manufacturers, it's not an easy balancing act.
I'm out shooting most days with my current system, which leaves little time for internet surfing, or forum discussions I'm afraid but I must admit I have always liked it here
Cheers Jules...
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 16/09/2016 - 12:53
jules wrote:
of the 24's I've tried, the K3 is about the best of em,
of the 24's I've tried, the K3 is about the best of em,
As I also have a D7100 as well as the K-3 I can agree with that, that's why the D500 is only 20-21MP - the D7100 is good in some areas but lacking in others. But there is some magic in those 12-16MP sensors that the higher MP sensors can't replicate.
AKA Welshwizard/PWynneJ
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
Posted 17/09/2016 - 13:02
Although already in the fold... I too wanted to upgrade to Pentax full frame this week.... But definately put off by the price increae...
K-1Gripped K-1 ungripped K-5ii K7 Various lenses
Posted 19/09/2016 - 15:27
I agree Stuart, it's just bad timing of course but it's a little galling, all the same!
When a new model pops out of the ether, I have to stop myself from just diving in feet first, I have a history of doing just that and have had more than my fair share of "friday night specials" because of it. I waited when the K3II came out (I'm learning!) but have waited so long it's now passed me by, There is never a right time to buy other than "now", if you wait until the camera is problem free, they stick the price up, or your country decides to leave the EU or something like that!
I'm personally passed being bothered about "full frame" now, I've had enough of them (9 I think?) now to realise for what I do they are overkill, overpriced and over heavy...
When a new model pops out of the ether, I have to stop myself from just diving in feet first, I have a history of doing just that and have had more than my fair share of "friday night specials" because of it. I waited when the K3II came out (I'm learning!) but have waited so long it's now passed me by, There is never a right time to buy other than "now", if you wait until the camera is problem free, they stick the price up, or your country decides to leave the EU or something like that!
I'm personally passed being bothered about "full frame" now, I've had enough of them (9 I think?) now to realise for what I do they are overkill, overpriced and over heavy...
Cheers Jules...
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 19/09/2016 - 16:25
Hi Jules,
Always entertaining to watch your buying and selling anguish.
Looking at the highs and lows of sterling against the yen on the BBC I'm guessing price increases would have been greater still if serious camera makers weren't having such a hard time.
Japanese Yen currently shows 132.955 to the pound.
High over last year listed as 188.245 Low over last year listed as 130.065 Wow that's some range!!!!
Always entertaining to watch your buying and selling anguish.
Looking at the highs and lows of sterling against the yen on the BBC I'm guessing price increases would have been greater still if serious camera makers weren't having such a hard time.
Japanese Yen currently shows 132.955 to the pound.
High over last year listed as 188.245 Low over last year listed as 130.065 Wow that's some range!!!!
Posted 20/09/2016 - 11:56
Certainly is Bill, glad I entertain!
These days I don't get nearly as twisted over gear as I used to, I would never really buy a K1 as it would never leave the house if I had something smaller and lighter, nice thing it surely is but impractical for me but I can still admire it right?
My lot now has a competitor to the 645z coming, I had a recent allbeit brief encounter with a "D" model but it just was not for me, so I flogged it for a profit!
I can only see myself dropping down the sensor size scales even more in the future, if my Arthritis gets any worse which it no doubt will, I love Pentax, all it stands for and the qualities in handling etc that other marques just don't have but cannot see me owning another again any time soon but I'd still like to see them doing well in the marketplace...
These days I don't get nearly as twisted over gear as I used to, I would never really buy a K1 as it would never leave the house if I had something smaller and lighter, nice thing it surely is but impractical for me but I can still admire it right?
My lot now has a competitor to the 645z coming, I had a recent allbeit brief encounter with a "D" model but it just was not for me, so I flogged it for a profit!
I can only see myself dropping down the sensor size scales even more in the future, if my Arthritis gets any worse which it no doubt will, I love Pentax, all it stands for and the qualities in handling etc that other marques just don't have but cannot see me owning another again any time soon but I'd still like to see them doing well in the marketplace...
Cheers Jules...
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 20/09/2016 - 12:09
Sorry about your health Jules, it is a big factor when the camera bag gets too heavy. I thought this interesting on Pentax Rumors as it might mean smaller lighter gear on the way...
Best wishes to you, do keep popping in.
The 2016 Photokina show starts next week and so far I have not heard any Ricoh/Pentax rumors. Today I received this anonymous tip from a reader about a new Pentax vintage mirrorless camera:
I heard a rumour today the source is in a good position to know but he is not certain and wouldn’t want his name dropped in case his employer isn’t happy. His job is visual merchandising and one of his clients is a camera retailer in the UK. They are drawing up plans for Spring 2017 and there is an extra section being given to Pentax – in the mirrorless section of the store. The camera’s is noted as being ‘Pentax Vintage FF M/less’ and ‘Pentax Vintage APSC Mirrorless’ – And there is a section for Q to K conv’ – there rest of the section is for lenses and is manager discretion based on stock what they put there.[/quote]
Interestingly enough, I received a similar tip few months ago.
Best wishes to you, do keep popping in.
The 2016 Photokina show starts next week and so far I have not heard any Ricoh/Pentax rumors. Today I received this anonymous tip from a reader about a new Pentax vintage mirrorless camera:
I heard a rumour today the source is in a good position to know but he is not certain and wouldn’t want his name dropped in case his employer isn’t happy. His job is visual merchandising and one of his clients is a camera retailer in the UK. They are drawing up plans for Spring 2017 and there is an extra section being given to Pentax – in the mirrorless section of the store. The camera’s is noted as being ‘Pentax Vintage FF M/less’ and ‘Pentax Vintage APSC Mirrorless’ – And there is a section for Q to K conv’ – there rest of the section is for lenses and is manager discretion based on stock what they put there.[/quote]
Interestingly enough, I received a similar tip few months ago.
jules wrote:
Certainly is Bill, glad I entertain!
These days I don't get nearly as twisted over gear as I used to, I would never really buy a K1 as it would never leave the house if I had something smaller and lighter, nice thing it surely is but impractical for me but I can still admire it right?
My lot now has a competitor to the 645z coming, I had a recent allbeit brief encounter with a "D" model but it just was not for me, so I flogged it for a profit!
I can only see myself dropping down the sensor size scales even more in the future, if my Arthritis gets any worse which it no doubt will, I love Pentax, all it stands for and the qualities in handling etc that other marques just don't have but cannot see me owning another again any time soon but I'd still like to see them doing well in the marketplace...
Certainly is Bill, glad I entertain!
These days I don't get nearly as twisted over gear as I used to, I would never really buy a K1 as it would never leave the house if I had something smaller and lighter, nice thing it surely is but impractical for me but I can still admire it right?
My lot now has a competitor to the 645z coming, I had a recent allbeit brief encounter with a "D" model but it just was not for me, so I flogged it for a profit!
I can only see myself dropping down the sensor size scales even more in the future, if my Arthritis gets any worse which it no doubt will, I love Pentax, all it stands for and the qualities in handling etc that other marques just don't have but cannot see me owning another again any time soon but I'd still like to see them doing well in the marketplace...
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2342 posts
14 years
and worse it costs more at SRS
Prices are going up all around, if they haven't yet they will due to the exchange rate, I see at WEX/SRS the K1 has gone up £200 too, If anyones hovering on a bargain at the moment I'd pull the trigger now, don't dally because it'll only get worse when the government pulls the trigger on article 50.
As soon as the retailers run out of stock bought at the old prices, the prices will be up everywhere, Some of the gey market sellers are now actually more expensive than the UK now too.
We're all going to have to dig a little deeper, for a while it seems...
I'm keeping all my kit too...
My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.