UK Warranty experience.
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Photograph titled 'Trio' by tommyt selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
Enter the 150th photography competition set by Nigelk which is based on the theme 'The Festive Season'. Samsung is adding an extra dash of excitement to the competition by generously providing memory card prizes for five lucky winners!
273 posts
16 years
I took the camera to JP Johnsons (quite near to me) at around 17:00 Friday. At 11:30 this morning (Tuesday) they rang to say it was fixed, and did I want to collect or should they post it back. I don't think that could have given me a better service..
The problem was that the camera powered up in LV mode, and I couldn't get it out of LV mode.
The resolution "replaced the Mode Dial Assembly, cleaned Viewfinder Assembly & CCD, updated Firmware, check &test"
I'm currently wading through the menus to re-customize the camera, a very happy bunny.