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UK Warranty experience.

Posted 06/06/2017 - 18:19 Link
Having seen some horror-stories about warranty repairs, when my K1 failed last Friday I started re-thinking my (photographic) plans for a trip I'm taking to the Alps during the first week in July.

I took the camera to JP Johnsons (quite near to me) at around 17:00 Friday. At 11:30 this morning (Tuesday) they rang to say it was fixed, and did I want to collect or should they post it back. I don't think that could have given me a better service..

The problem was that the camera powered up in LV mode, and I couldn't get it out of LV mode.
The resolution "replaced the Mode Dial Assembly, cleaned Viewfinder Assembly & CCD, updated Firmware, check &test"

I'm currently wading through the menus to re-customize the camera, a very happy bunny.
Posted 06/06/2017 - 19:53 Link
Can't complain about that

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