The one that got away 3
Posted 04/06/2019 - 19:42
A stunning full rainbow against a dark sky over the river Fowey when the Mrs seriously bent my ear about having a camera permantly attached to my hand, I stupidly left the camera in the car for the sake of peace.
I've not let her forget the moment
I've not let her forget the moment
" A Hangover is something that occupies the Head you neglected to use the night before".
K1 - Sigma 85mm F1.4, Pentax DFA 150 -450 F4.5 / 5.6, Pentax DFA* 24 - 70 F2.8
Samyang 14mm F2.8, Pentax DFA* 70-200 F2.8, Pentax A 50mm F1.2
K3iii + K3ii + K5iis converted to IR, Sigma 17 - 70 F2.8, Pentax 55 - 300 F4.5 / F5.6 PLM
" A Hangover is something that occupies the Head you neglected to use the night before".
K1 - Sigma 85mm F1.4, Pentax DFA 150 -450 F4.5 / 5.6, Pentax DFA* 24 - 70 F2.8
Samyang 14mm F2.8, Pentax DFA* 70-200 F2.8, Pentax A 50mm F1.2
K3iii + K3ii + K5iis converted to IR, Sigma 17 - 70 F2.8, Pentax 55 - 300 F4.5 / F5.6 PLM
Posted 04/06/2019 - 21:03
Last Saturday evening I went fishing for the first time of the season. I saw what I thought was a fish moving, but on closer inspection I realized it was an otter. I sat and watched two otters feeding for over thirty minutes. Even a kingfisher flew past, what a night.
Posted 04/06/2019 - 21:43
Two, both at the same place a year or two apart. The place is a high hedge between two fields, one side of the hedge is part of the standard dog walk. Dog on a lead both times. Can't remember whether I had a camera with me, but in any case both happened too quickly to take a picture.
1: A buzzard rose from the far side of the hedge, carrying a rabbit. Crossed my path about 20 yards ahead. Saw me and dog, dropped the rabbit into long grass and flew off quickly. Rabbit wasn't there when I reached where it had landed. Lucky rabbit!
2: A deer crashed through the hedge not far in front of me. Saw me and dog, stopped and stared at us for what seemed like eternity but must have been just a few seconds. Then it turned and ran off. Looking into the eyes of that animal was unforgettable.
1: A buzzard rose from the far side of the hedge, carrying a rabbit. Crossed my path about 20 yards ahead. Saw me and dog, dropped the rabbit into long grass and flew off quickly. Rabbit wasn't there when I reached where it had landed. Lucky rabbit!
2: A deer crashed through the hedge not far in front of me. Saw me and dog, stopped and stared at us for what seemed like eternity but must have been just a few seconds. Then it turned and ran off. Looking into the eyes of that animal was unforgettable.
Posted 04/06/2019 - 21:56
I was around the age of 14 with my first camera phone and a train rushed past on a crossing. I timed the phone camera's button lag perfectly and snapped a terrific shot of the train's front end. The image made me extremely proud but has now been lost to a dead hard drive.
All the gear with no idea
Posted 04/06/2019 - 23:30
This would have been DSLR video rather than still shot.
A few months ago whilst taking some shots of the moon using my Dobsonian mount and K-50 i was scanning the moon through my DSLRs optical viewfinder when i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'. These sightings were just a few seconds apart, the moon was still lit by dipping sun and the sky was still blue tinged rather than black.
I new instantly what they were as i had seen them previously on somebody's YOUTube channel although as to whether they are human origin or ET ...can't say. However I DID see them with my own eyes and just wish i'd been videoing as they would have been captured. Each of these craft would have had to have been several miles across and the first two would have been travelling at well over 100,000 mph given that they crossed about 1/3rd diameter of moon and as far again into space in less than about 7 or 8 seconds.
Strange but true.
A few months ago whilst taking some shots of the moon using my Dobsonian mount and K-50 i was scanning the moon through my DSLRs optical viewfinder when i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'. These sightings were just a few seconds apart, the moon was still lit by dipping sun and the sky was still blue tinged rather than black.
I new instantly what they were as i had seen them previously on somebody's YOUTube channel although as to whether they are human origin or ET ...can't say. However I DID see them with my own eyes and just wish i'd been videoing as they would have been captured. Each of these craft would have had to have been several miles across and the first two would have been travelling at well over 100,000 mph given that they crossed about 1/3rd diameter of moon and as far again into space in less than about 7 or 8 seconds.
Strange but true.
Posted 04/06/2019 - 23:59
Mine “one that got away” happened when I was fishing on the Rio Casiquiare in the Amazon at sun-up one morning; a recently born Jaguar cub drinking on the side of a muddy pool with the dried up umbilical cord still attached to his little pot belly; then the mother appeared and stood alongside the cub before lapping up the water herself.
I was thirty metres away in pool treading water with my nose just above the surface and as I tried to quietly move back they both stopped lapping staring right into my eyes; I just froze hoping she wasn’t going to slide into the water.
Still makes my skin crawl because an adult Jaguar can swim much faster and better than a Labrador and she was thinking about it.
I quietly disappeared below the surface and swam away under the water as fast as I could and as far as I could before quietly coming up for air, near my canoe; they were still transfixed but luckily she stayed with the little cub.
Good job I didn’t have a camera with me because that would have threatened her and then she likely would have come in after me.
I dared not leave the water because then she would have heard me in the undergrowth, I got into my little bongo and then paddled away as silently as possible.
I was thirty metres away in pool treading water with my nose just above the surface and as I tried to quietly move back they both stopped lapping staring right into my eyes; I just froze hoping she wasn’t going to slide into the water.
Still makes my skin crawl because an adult Jaguar can swim much faster and better than a Labrador and she was thinking about it.
I quietly disappeared below the surface and swam away under the water as fast as I could and as far as I could before quietly coming up for air, near my canoe; they were still transfixed but luckily she stayed with the little cub.
Good job I didn’t have a camera with me because that would have threatened her and then she likely would have come in after me.
I dared not leave the water because then she would have heard me in the undergrowth, I got into my little bongo and then paddled away as silently as possible.
Posted 05/06/2019 - 10:30
Was on holiday last month and we stayed in Leysin, Switzerland. Had to take a narrow guage railway to get any where. One morning we were off on a trip, camera away in the camera bag on the luggage rack, and a deer was feeding as we rumbled past.
Pentax K1-ii and MZ6
Pentax Lenses 28-80 F, 300 DA*, 80-200 F, 35 F2.4 AL, M50 F1.7, 28-105 DFA, 20 F4 SMC
Pentax Lenses 28-80 F, 300 DA*, 80-200 F, 35 F2.4 AL, M50 F1.7, 28-105 DFA, 20 F4 SMC
Posted 05/06/2019 - 11:59
1stEverPentax wrote:
i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'.
i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'.
I have to say that everything before and after this seems quite mundane now.
Posted 05/06/2019 - 13:05
Mike-P wrote:
I have to say that everything before and after this seems quite mundane now.
1stEverPentax wrote:
i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'.
i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'.
I have to say that everything before and after this seems quite mundane now.
I disagree Mike, a couple of the accounts people have posted above paint the scene so vividly one could almost be there...particularly enjoyed the jaguar encounter.
That been said I appreciate that my account might be questioned and even ridiculed...I decided at the time it happened when I posted moon pics on here and on ephotozine NOT to mention it. I only told my immediate family about it weeks later in passing when the opportunity presented itself.
The sighting was from May last year and the time was about 19.30-20.00...i've just dug out the SD card with the images on. On a single image I managed to capture what I believe are three of these objects...two in space and one against the Moon surface...the last one i didn't notice at the time it was only when examining the images enlarged that i noticed it. Problem is they are very small and don't display well on this sites restricted sizing. If anyone is interested i would be willing to post on the 'other' site where i could post at about 1400-1500 pix size? I can display shots a few minutes before and after so that you can see that these aren't marks on the sensor. Enlarged to 150% on my Serif software there are what look like three glowing spots on two of the disks...i'll try and include those as well.
Sorry for appearing to 'hijack' the thread...wasn't my original intention.
Posted 05/06/2019 - 13:14
I can't think of any Ones That Got Away, I tend to have Not Quite On picture opportunities.
You know, when you are walking, or driving (though I don't drive) somewhere - to the shops, a doctor's appointment or to meet friends - and you see something and think, ‘That would make a great picture!’ But, on further considering the angles and lighting, you realise that to get the picture you've 'seen' you would have to be about 17' tall and standing in the middle of the road. During the rush hour.
Happens to me now and again...
You know, when you are walking, or driving (though I don't drive) somewhere - to the shops, a doctor's appointment or to meet friends - and you see something and think, ‘That would make a great picture!’ But, on further considering the angles and lighting, you realise that to get the picture you've 'seen' you would have to be about 17' tall and standing in the middle of the road. During the rush hour.
Happens to me now and again...
Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.
Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.
Posted 07/06/2019 - 13:31
Cannot top the UFO story but like Chrism8 I was earbashed for taking a camera to Padstow - we’re just here for shops and a cream tea what do you want that for? - on a day when there was a storm out at sea. Sheltering in the harbour standing right next to the promenade was a male shag seemingly oblivious to the people snapping it with phones. It was so close you could see every feather and his quiff. Needless to say by the time a got back with my camera it had gone. Never mind, she says, I have it on my phone; oh yes, blurred and crooked in her usual style.
Posted 07/06/2019 - 16:34
1stEverPentax wrote:
i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'.....
…...That been said I appreciate that my account might be questioned and even ridiculed...I decided at the time it happened when I posted moon pics on here and on ephotozine NOT to mention it. I only told my immediate family about it weeks later in passing when the opportunity presented itself.
The sighting was from May last year and the time was about 19.30-20.00...i've just dug out the SD card with the images on. On a single image I managed to capture what I believe are three of these objects...two in space and one against the Moon surface...the last one i didn't notice at the time it was only when examining the images enlarged that i noticed it. Problem is they are very small and don't display well on this sites restricted sizing. If anyone is interested i would be willing to post on the 'other' site where i could post at about 1400-1500 pix size? I can display shots a few minutes before and after so that you can see that these aren't marks on the sensor. Enlarged to 150% on my Serif software there are what look like three glowing spots on two of the disks...i'll try and include those as well.
Sorry for appearing to 'hijack' the thread...wasn't my original intention.
i noticed three bright disk like craft ...two in loose formation tens of miles (i'm guessing ) apart which travelled slightly diagonally across the face of the moon in a matter of seconds then out into space...the third appeared to be larger and was moving slowly around one or two craters edges above the surface in a slightly erratic pattern which meant it couldn't have beena satellite or anything 'orbital'.....
…...That been said I appreciate that my account might be questioned and even ridiculed...I decided at the time it happened when I posted moon pics on here and on ephotozine NOT to mention it. I only told my immediate family about it weeks later in passing when the opportunity presented itself.
The sighting was from May last year and the time was about 19.30-20.00...i've just dug out the SD card with the images on. On a single image I managed to capture what I believe are three of these objects...two in space and one against the Moon surface...the last one i didn't notice at the time it was only when examining the images enlarged that i noticed it. Problem is they are very small and don't display well on this sites restricted sizing. If anyone is interested i would be willing to post on the 'other' site where i could post at about 1400-1500 pix size? I can display shots a few minutes before and after so that you can see that these aren't marks on the sensor. Enlarged to 150% on my Serif software there are what look like three glowing spots on two of the disks...i'll try and include those as well.
Sorry for appearing to 'hijack' the thread...wasn't my original intention.
Would love to see the images, not to ridicule or doubt - what you saw is what you saw, I think they'll be fascinating, and I appreciate the quality won't be top notch at those distances
Posted 07/06/2019 - 16:55
You can post large sizes here if it's done by a link to an external site such as Flickr. When clicked it opens as the large size on Flickr see LennyBloke's posts....
derek897 does the same....
derek897 does the same....
Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
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