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The Moon & the big guy!

Posted 19/01/2024 - 12:15 Link
Last night I had play with a new telescope and a.... err... erm... ahh.... Canon 5D MkII.... OH THE SHAME....

But in my defence it wa 250 quid, and I couldn't afford a K1. I would love a K1, but they're way out of my financial reach.

The 5D was attached to a Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED Refractor Telescope, and mounted on an EQ mount. Both the camera and mount were controlled via a Raspberry Pi4 running a package called Astroberry. On it is some software called KStars. It's a planetarium package that can also control mounts, guiding and cameras through its Ekos app. Apparently it can also control Pentax cameras to, but I have yet to try this because I cannot find my bloody lead!!!

Moving on... It got me thinking.... so I started to play with Ekos. As a result I took these images controling the above via a laptop remotely logged in to Astroberry.

The Moon and the Big Guy
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Jupiter by Moon Light
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The night before I took this.

It is the Jellyfish Nebula, and it is a Supernova Remnant located in the Gemini Constallation.

This was shot with a Sky-Watcher Explorer 150P Newtonian Reflector. The camera used is a Canon 600D that has been astro modded. It is 25 x 300sec exposures.

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Edited by Spad: 19/01/2024 - 12:24
Posted 19/01/2024 - 17:16 Link
Oh they're nice! Love the Jupiter by Moon Llight image inc. moons. As for the last one, it's staggering what can be achieved using relatively cheap equipment. A few decades ago this would have been a dream.

Posted 20/01/2024 - 01:16 Link
We will let you off for using the 'C' word just this once. Marvelous results !
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 20/01/2024 - 01:27 Link
Here is my feeble attempt of a crescent of sunlight with reflected earthlight illuminating the moon with Jupiter and Mars in the shot. Uranus was just out of frame at the bottom. (according to Stellarium).
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Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 20/01/2024 - 10:10 Link
Great images all round guys.
Posted 20/01/2024 - 10:24 Link
There's an ethereal beauty to these images.
C.O.L.B.A.S victim
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)

What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
Posted 20/01/2024 - 13:16 Link
davidwozhere wrote:
Here is my feeble attempt of a crescent of sunlight with reflected earthlight illuminating the moon with Jupiter and Mars in the shot. Uranus was just out of frame at the bottom. (according to Stellarium).
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This is not feeble....

It is brilliant!! Look more closely at the moon

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