The big and very heavy Pentacon 300mm
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Fast, sharp 50mm F Series vintage lens from Pentax. John Riley reviews this easily adapted, widely available f/1.7 classic, sharing sample photos, MTF & CA performance charts along with his verdict of this standard length K mount lens.
Photograph titled 'Oyster Fungi' by sueriley selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
3405 posts
10 years
Slap in the middle of England
Meyer Optik were renowned for their multi-bladed irises that produce a near circular aperture. Some end up with oily blades that can stick together when the lens is left unused for a long time. When you try to change the aperture, the offending blades cannot move and spring out of their guides. Only a complete rebuild will set this right so ignore vendors' comments that oil on the blades is of no consequence with a preset mechanism 'cos it just ain't true!
This one is pristine, as are all the coatings.
Some full frame images and heavy crops from them .....
Purple fringing can occur where there is high contrast but it isn't bad. Pixel peeping will show it round the white flowers. By the way, this common garden weed (hairy cress) is a good salad plant. Pull the entire plants up, cut off the roots and wash them. All gardens have them!
The same fuchsia bush that sheltered the hyacinth. It will need pruning shortly!
It's going to be a while before I get to grips with this thing but it certainly looks promising for a 30 year old film era lens.
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