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TCSTV Review of the KP

Posted 10/03/2017 - 05:22 Link

Not exactly a glowing report...
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 10/03/2017 - 07:39 Link
Just his opinion, I love the large grip, I found it extremely comfortable
Posted 10/03/2017 - 07:57 Link
I agree and this fella, seems much more enamoured with the KP!

The Small grip is of no use at all, in my honest opinion, I just couldn't imagine anyone with small enough hands that could actually lift a Camera finding it of any benefit. I'm not sure which of the other two will fit me best but they are definitely better than a bare X-T1 or X-T2, I actually prefer the handling of the KP to the K3, which is a suprise considering the K3 was what I was used to... (Been exclusively Fuji for the last two years)
In my all too brief look at the KP I took to the three dial layout like a duck to water and forgot that there used to be an LCD there at all!
I'm getting one in to play with, I'm flogging some of my Fuji kit but keeping the X-Pro2 and the primes for Landscaping, I'll run the KP alongside, I have some current contractual agreements that preclude me from using the Pentax exclusively at the moment, I'm looking forward to seeing how it fares against the X-Pro, as I like the idea of two KP's for my line of work, for some reason I didn't like the K1 at all...
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Edited by jules: 10/03/2017 - 08:06
Posted 10/03/2017 - 08:27 Link
Chris Nichols is usually very positive about Pentax cameras, so I was surprised to see how he felt the KP offers little over the K-70 and the poor fit and finish.
Posted 10/03/2017 - 09:15 Link
jules wrote:

Not exactly a glowing report...

There are lots of positives there and, as for the negatives, I either agree or they wouldn't bother me. However, as I have written similarly elsewhere, it is not surprising that his conclusion re. comparison with the K-70 is the most significant in my view - I wouldn't want to spend twice as much on the KP. If I were looking to buy, for a similar outlay I would prefer to spend on two K-70s or a K-70 plus another good sub-£500 lens.

Posted 10/03/2017 - 09:33 Link
Papa_Lazarou wrote:
Chris Nichols is usually very positive about Pentax cameras, so I was surprised to see how he felt the KP offers little over the K-70 and the poor fit and finish.

I'm in a slightly different camp here, I was not aware of any weedy construction but my handle period with the camera was brief, as for it offering little over the K70, well I just don't agree.

MrB wrote:
jules wrote:

Not exactly a glowing report...

There are lots of positives there and, as for the negatives, I either agree or they wouldn't bother me. However, as I have written similarly elsewhere, it is not surprising that his conclusion re. comparison with the K-70 is the most significant in my view - I wouldn't want to spend twice as much on the KP. If I were looking to buy, for a similar outlay I would prefer to spend on two K-70s or a K-70 plus another good sub-£500 lens.


I feel that the quiet shutter, new bracketing modes, superior autofocus, better meter, metal chassis and mostly metal outer, new control layout, interchangeable grips and the overall compactness of the body despite five axis stabilisation, set it apart.

Pre Brexit and pre pound collapse I'd say this body would have been Sub £1000, which may have put a differing complexion on things? If stores over here run out of K70's and have to buy more in (Unlikely I know), we'll get a price hike and similarly with the K1, The K3 II is the current bargain and when that stock runs out it'll be replaced and it will priced a good bit above the KP and a little below the K1, which starts to take APSC into baseline FF pricepoints as with other brands, at which point it really will have to be outstanding in order to sell.
I'll be ordering one KP next week I reckon but I would like to see a deal with a lens, just to sweeten it a little
C'mon Watford, hello???
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Edited by jules: 10/03/2017 - 09:44
Posted 10/03/2017 - 09:56 Link
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 10/03/2017 - 22:23 Link
I thought his review what on point. They are a camera store and they see lots of cameras.

For me personally, the KP is another of those marketing attempt type cameras, and whilst some may like that, I'd prefer that engineering effort directed into a newer version of the 'real' dslr camera lines.

The two major selling points are the crazy high ISO limit (which is clearly a marketing ploy) and the interchangeable grips, of which it appears most are opting for the largest option. I feel if Pentax wants to compete with the size of mirrorless options, then it should just make a mirrorless camera. It tried with the K-01 and most users are quite happy with it. That failed due to the kindergarten my first plastic camera styling, but there's only so small you can make a DLSR camera, and it seems a silly target.

The KP is a rearrangement of the parts bin, pulling aspects of the higher models (like the AF system and grip option) and merging them with the lower ranges (1/6000 max shutter speed, 7 fps burst). The price is high and the marketing hype aspects are cool until someone reviews them, and finds the results shown in this video. Shades of lights in the grip and video on a 645Z etc.

As always, return mechanical stabilisation during video and I'll buy it regardless of what it looks like. I'm more than happy with the stills performance of the K-S1. That's a real issue for Pentax, as their stills capabilities are stellar already. That does leave tracking AF and video capabilities as the areas in need of attention, and I think improvements there would be far more beneficial than turning out these projects every few years.
Posted 11/03/2017 - 06:26 Link
"I thought his review what on point. They are a camera store and they see lots of cameras".

I can see whe're your'e coming from here Richard, you feel about the KP much as I did about the Nikon Df (Did it really take em four years to come up with that?). However, because they see a lot of cameras could also mean they are expert in none, understand very few, Just don't get the ethos behind it?

"For me personally, the KP is another of those marketing attempt type cameras, and whilst some may like that, I'd prefer that engineering effort directed into a newer version of the 'real' dslr camera lines".

I get that too but every new releas is a "marketing attempt" these days, it's difficult to see a "core" line in Pentax terms often, even when the Ricoh top brass explain it. KS1,K70,KP,K3 II are all blessed with totally different handling, ergonomics and button layouts, the only two that are similar are the KP and K1, my opinion only but I have taken a look at them all in the flesh so to speak, Ks2 and K70 are similar in look but I have not handled that one.

"The two major selling points are the crazy high ISO limit (which is clearly a marketing ploy) and the interchangeable grips, of which it appears most are opting for the largest option. I feel if Pentax wants to compete with the size of mirrorless options, then it should just make a mirrorless camera. It tried with the K-01 and most users are quite happy with it. That failed due to the kindergarten my first plastic camera styling, but there's only so small you can make a DLSR camera, and it seems a silly target".

Crazy high ISO is definietly a marketing ploy as it was with the Nikon D500, which took it over a million ISO, just because they could!
I personally like the idea of the interchangeable grips but they could have taken it a step further like Fuji do by providing one with an Arca rail underneath and attaching it via the tripod thread thus not requiring to remove the handgrip to exchange for another but that kind of customization is to me welcome and that brings me to, what is to me is the core value of this camera, customization, it is even more customizable than the K1, they dropped the ball with a couple of the dial options, some from memory just don't have too many options but basically I feel that is it's core value as well as being the most ultimately portable and yet still rugged travel camera in the Pentax range.

"The KP is a rearrangement of the parts bin, pulling aspects of the higher models (like the AF system and grip option) and merging them with the lower ranges (1/6000 max shutter speed, 7 fps burst). The price is high and the marketing hype aspects are cool until someone reviews them, and finds the results shown in this video. Shades of lights in the grip and video on a 645Z etc".

I get that too Richard as I alluded to just above with my reference to the Nikon Df, there is no way that it took em four years to think of that one! "Now lets see, we're not selling many D4's anymore and the D600 is a shambles and we've got all these bits left over that we might have to bung in the skip... What to do"?

As always, return mechanical stabilisation during video and I'll buy it regardless of what it looks like. I'm more than happy with the stills performance of the K-S1. That's a real issue for Pentax, as their stills capabilities are stellar already. That does leave tracking AF and video capabilities as the areas in need of attention, and I think improvements there would be far more beneficial than turning out these projects every few years.

Well you are getting manual stabilistation back via firmware I beleive but for you I'd wait for the K3 replacement because it just has to have 4K video? Hopefully with some kind of flat codec for the editors out there, the recent PLM lenses seem to open the way for the mechanical stabilistion to make a comeback without too much noise pickup? They seem pretty silent anyway but as I've never moved the switch over to video on any camera I've ever owned, other than accidently, I'll definitely defer to you there!
Tracking/ follow focus is slowly improving within Pentax cameras but it's just such a patent minefield with still a ton of active lawsuits out there, that I'm beginning to wonder if they shouldn't just buy it in or just offer Nikons AF guru's a ton of money to come on board? Much as Sony did for the overall design team when they brought out the A900 FF DSLR, they just offered the guy that headed the design team for the EOS 5 MkII a wad of cash and stole him right from under Canon's nose!

I don't see the KP as a project, one off, yes, denoted by the twin Alpha nomenclature but it follows the design cues of the K1 too closely to come under the "Project" catagory I feel. I expect the K3 replacememnt to do similarly, which is why I'm not picking up a K3 MkII as I think future models will feature significantly changed handling characterisitics to the current K3 line and I want two similar bodies, if I can swing the costs it may well be two KP's...
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Edited by jules: 11/03/2017 - 06:35
Posted 11/03/2017 - 08:47 Link
It's only a personal opinion, mine is different. I use the medium grip as I find the large grip uncomfortable. I can't complain about build quality, I've had numerous other manufacturers cameras and think it's on par with these. I have no problem with the rear dial or any other dials, though I agree about the LV switch being too small. I like the tilting screen as its great for street shots from the hip. I do think it looks better in black and quite cool with a limited lenses. I like mine.
Pentax KP & Ricoh GR11| 15mm, 35mm Macro, 20-40mm & 70mm Limited |DA* 16-50 & 50-135mm|55-300mm WR RE|AF-540 FGZ|D-BG7 Grip
Posted 11/03/2017 - 21:00 Link
jules wrote:

Pre Brexit and pre pound collapse I'd say this body would have been sub £1000, which may have put a differing complexion on things? If stores over here run out of K70's and have to buy more in (Unlikely I know), we'll get a price hike and similarly with the K1.

I see your point about the price, but remember that Chris Nicholls is based in Canada so that aspect probably wouldn't apply.

Personally I think the KP as intended to replace for the K-5II.
Posted 12/03/2017 - 17:33 Link
kea828 wrote:
jules wrote:

Pre Brexit and pre pound collapse I'd say this body would have been sub £1000, which may have put a differing complexion on things? If stores over here run out of K70's and have to buy more in (Unlikely I know), we'll get a price hike and similarly with the K1.

I see your point about the price, but remember that Chris Nicholls is based in Canada so that aspect probably wouldn't apply.

Personally I think the KP as intended to replace for the K-5II.

Interesting thought that, I wonder if it is meant to appeal to that user base, I miss my K5 IIs...
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.
Posted 12/03/2017 - 20:06 Link
It's all subjective and I actually don't think Chris Nicholls gives a poor review of the KP. I think he hits on some specific areas where he feels it doesn't justify the cost, especially when comparing to the K70, which I can't disagree with. BTW, I have no hands on experience with either the KP or the K70, so my opinion is based purely on what I see on the web and what people say on sites like this one.

FWIW, I still get the performance I need from my K-5iis and my K-3 mk1, I don't feel any need to upgrade at present. A quantum leap in AF performance would tempt me, as would high ISO performance as good as a K-1.


Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu

Some cameras, some lenses, some bits 'n' bobs
Posted 12/03/2017 - 21:58 Link
davidstorm wrote:
It's all subjective and I actually don't think Chris Nicholls gives a poor review of the KP. I think he hits on some specific areas where he feels it doesn't justify the cost, especially when comparing to the K70, which I can't disagree with. BTW, I have no hands on experience with either the KP or the K70, so my opinion is based purely on what I see on the web and what people say on sites like this one.

FWIW, I still get the performance I need from my K-5iis and my K-3 mk1, I don't feel any need to upgrade at present. A quantum leap in AF performance would tempt me, as would high ISO performance as good as a K-1.


Fully agree with this.

It leads to an interesting discussion as well I think, which is how DSLR's fit into the wider community now. That may sound like a leap too far, but beer with me...

The real benefit of DSLRs is their ability to work with the fringe areas, usually in terms of low light. If the conditions as good, and there is enough light, then non DSLR modern cameras can perform really well. As bridge/compacts/mirrorless etc camera become more capable, the need for a DSLR is reduced, unless you need to work in those far edges of the bell curve.

A genuine issue for Pentax I feel is that their stills cameras are good enough already. Technology has rather plateaued in terms of sensor development when compared to the early days of digital cameras. I haven't felt the need to upgrade from the K-S1 since adding that to the K-30. Seriously, it's a 20MP AA filterless unit that returns impressive results for me, however weird the body may be. That's an issue for Pentax.

If they started to address their tracking AF, and did anything with genuine intent to improve the Video, then I might be re interested, but until then I'm just not.

And seeing smart and quality mirrorless compacts come along is starting to get my attention.

I might be totally different to other Pentax users, but I love my Pentax and love it's stills ability already. The areas to progress now need to be progressed, and cameras such as the KP just don't look to be doing that to me.
Edited by richandfleur: 12/03/2017 - 22:01
Posted 13/03/2017 - 04:45 Link
davidstorm wrote:
It's all subjective and I actually don't think Chris Nicholls gives a poor review of the KP. I think he hits on some specific areas where he feels it doesn't justify the cost, especially when comparing to the K70, which I can't disagree with. BTW, I have no hands on experience with either the KP or the K70, so my opinion is based purely on what I see on the web and what people say on sites like this one.

FWIW, I still get the performance I need from my K-5iis and my K-3 mk1, I don't feel any need to upgrade at present. A quantum leap in AF performance would tempt me, as would high ISO performance as good as a K-1.


Hopefully I'll be able to put some flesh on those bones shortly, my personal feeling is that Pentax DSLR's are just going to cost more now, all over the world but more so here, so we are just going to have to suck it up or vote with our feet. All previous perceptions on value or lack of it are now moot as the prices to buy the products in for stores and sites have skyrocketed, they applied a small hike to the K1, and K3 stocks are dwindling rapidly. K70/K3 II stocks were bought in way before the Brexit/pound shenanigans. I passed on the K3 II with the 16-85mm deal on SRS for £999 and that was very very tempting but now they are "awaiting stock". I should have my KP early next week but it it does not meet my high expectations, rest aassured it'll be going straight back!
Cheers Jules...

My viewfinder is 576,000,000 pixels.
My other viewfinder is 5.76,000,000.

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