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Spotmatic Bellows

Peter Elgar
Posted 12/03/2013 - 16:43 Link
Here is my 1960's 'Spotmatic' fitted with the British-made 'BPM' bellows unit and my Minolta E-Rokkor 105mm f4.5 enlarger lens -- I got the 39mm to 42mm adapter ring many years ago so the 39mm lens goes into the M42 screw adapter -- the BPM also has a Canon FD adapter for FD lenses and to fit Canon FD bodies. I have taken quite a few good shots with this set-up. The BPM will NOT fit directly onto a K10D Pentax body as the 'over-hang' from the flash on the pentaprism fouls the adapter BUT if I put a 'K' mount extension tube onto the body first then use the 'K' to 'M42 Screw' adapter it will fit OK and I can use my enlarger lens or other lenses on my K10D.
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been a member of Pentax Club since the Ron Spillman era! Got COMPUTERISED at last - DIGITISED? Taken the PLUNGE - BUT FILM STILL RULES !!!

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