SMC Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 a cracking little lens
(Yes: I still if myself)
Congrats: Good job!
I still have my copy and I love it. The size is compact, it has a built in hood and it renders wonderfully.
ps I find your images a little over-processed if i may be so bold.
My Flickr page
The M 135/3.5 got a bit of bad press as being underwhelming. I think largely due to it being plentiful as it was the cheapest telephoto available from Pentax.
I still have my copy and I love it. The size is compact, it has a built in hood and it renders wonderfully.
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)
What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
You'll hardly find adaptors for those lenses to be used with K-mount.
Zeiss (for Contax, Yashica mount as well as Rollei QBM mount) as well as Leica lenses are at a very high price point now: you could buy yourself a new dslr + lens instead!
Often they are collectors items.
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4 years