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Site very slow, just me?

Posted 09/05/2015 - 16:48 Link
I've had less problems since moving to Google Chrome. IE doesn't handle the ads very well.
Best regards, John
Posted 09/05/2015 - 16:58 Link
Hi all, works fine on Windows 8.1 using current Mozilla Firefox browser. Adverts are getting more intrusive on all such 'free' sites and if badly done can cause problems tot he customer site.
Posted 09/05/2015 - 17:03 Link
Windows 7 and IE 11 here, says website is online but not responding.

Just taken me ages just to log in.
Posted 09/05/2015 - 17:45 Link
wvbarnes wrote:
Hi all, works fine on Windows 8.1 using current Mozilla Firefox browser. Adverts are getting more intrusive on all such 'free' sites and if badly done can cause problems tot he customer site.

I stopped subscribing to Petax User+ because of the ads, contributing instead to sites that aren't swamped by them. Mine used to be slow but since Firefox is blocking my Adobe Flash (it's out of date), I don't seem to get the 'animated' ads anymore and it feels faster.

Posted 09/05/2015 - 20:04 Link
I don't get any advertisements. Smeggy knows how to get rid of them and told us once; even a computer dinosaur such as I managed and it's much better for it...
Best wishes,


"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference.  All of them can record what you are seeing.  But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website:
Posted 10/05/2015 - 19:09 Link
jeallen01 wrote:
jeallen01 wrote:

I think "it" does know

PS: your droopsnoot anything like the one that Whizzo raced?

Sorry, meant Gerry M!

It's very like the one Whizzo raced - he raced one of the production cars in the one-off "Thruxton Spring Cup" where twenty identical production cars were raced for launch publicity by popular drivers of the day. He won, nice chap, met him a couple of years ago and again last year. Sadly it's not very like the one Gerry M raced usually - although he was also in the Spring Cup he usually raced a highly-developed version (known as 'Old Nail'), then moved to a purpose-built spaceframe V8 version called 'Baby Bertha'. Both will (or should) be at Donington in September. I never met GM unfortunately.

I used Chrome when I was on my old XP machine, because I think it made it a little better. I didn't want to have to carry on using a different browser for certain sites now I'm on a newer Windows version - I got used to people telling me it was because I was on IE8, so I upgraded.
Real name: Mike Edwards. My homage to seventies Vauxhalls:

Camera - Pentax Kx, 18-55 kit lens, 18-200 Sigma, 50-500 Sigma, 500mm Tamron mirror
Posted 11/05/2015 - 11:18 Link
Opening the link on PU emails regarding comment notification takes ages, or at least the reset process does, particularly on Android devices. So much so that I now usually remove notification after posting. Surely the coding and process can be refined.
Edited by RussV: 11/05/2015 - 11:20
Posted 12/05/2015 - 10:45 Link
malvern_man wrote:
Windows 7 and IE 11 here, says website is online but not responding.

Just taken me ages just to log in.

Same here, long time loading and changing pages on home pc with i5 cpu, 16 Gb RAM and SSD's. This pc not only manipulates photos in photoshop in the blink of an eye but it will also take them for me, but it can't handle the pentax user website since it changed!

Always blame the equipment!!!!
Posted 12/05/2015 - 19:22 Link
jeallen01 wrote:
LennyBloke wrote:
Yep, I have the same experience - the main site appears to load okay, but it's not properly responsive until all the cr*p at the top and round the sides loads

Ditto, Ditto (thought it was only me too!) on both my home PC (AMD A8, W7 Ultimate, Gigabit LAN & 50Mbs fibre) and my portable netbook sort of thing (slow AMD 2-core W7 machine, but very small and with a long battery life!) via 3G - but my old single core Android 4.2 tablet with Gifgaff 3G (over O2) is quicker because it does not load all the "cr*p" !!!!

Just done a rough check of loading a new page on this forum (approx. 30s) and the US forum (approx. 6s!) on the netbook (with IE11) via wireless and my 3G wireless hotspot dongle (Huawei E355 + GifGaff SIM) - ABSOLUTELY no contest from those numbers - PU is SLOW!
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Edited by jeallen01: 12/05/2015 - 19:23
Posted 20/05/2015 - 18:43 Link
Little message at the bottom of my browser just now " is not responding due to a long running script" - it did finally load, but took 30 seconds plus
Posted 20/05/2015 - 18:57 Link
LennyBloke wrote:
Little message at the bottom of my browser just now " is not responding due to a long running script" - it did finally load, but took 30 seconds plus

Had that a couple of times on my home laptop (system as my earliest post) myself.
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Posted 20/05/2015 - 21:14 Link
I have a Windows 8.1 laptop at home and a Windows 8.1 laptop at work. On one of the PC's the site runs fast (my home PC) and on the other one it is painfully slow, to the point where it sometimes can't even load the home screen fully and I have to close it down and try again.

Now the technical bit.

- It's nothing to do with the networks I am on, as my work PC is just as bad at home
- It runs much better in Google Chrome on my work laptop than it does in Internet Explorer 11
- I work for a company that develop web applications, I have some knowledge of why there might be a performance issue in IE
- My work laptop has an integrated graphics card that struggles with anything in IE that uses a lot of javascript
- My home PC has a dedicated (fast) graphics card which allows it to steam through and masks any performance issues
- I suspect the site is using a lot of javascript which many PC's will struggle to process quickly, resulting in poor page loading / rendering times
- Google Chrome has a much better javascript engine than IE does, so if anyone is struggling I would recommend trying the site in Chrome as opposed to IE

That's my take on it anyway, probably there are some web developers who will know better (I'm not a developer) but I think it's a reasonable theory.


Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu

Some cameras, some lenses, some bits 'n' bobs
Posted 20/05/2015 - 21:46 Link
Ref davidstorm's post, website developers really should take those issues into account and not put in features (e.g. lots of javascript, this if the case!) if mainstream browsers such as IE (in its various versions) , as used by many people, result in the problems such as we have been encountering.

Therefore, as I said earlier, there are significant differences in the way that various sites (e.g. PU v PF) have been set up to deal with this issue, and PU is notably deficient in this respect. The KISS principle applies here as elsewhere - and the PU developers need to urgently realise that and deal with it appropriately and QUICKLY, and stop trying to be "clever" and incorporate unnecessary "clever tweaks" which they think will improve the site but actually make life very difficult for many of us.

PU developers - are you actually LISTENING? if so then FIX it PDQ because, if you DON'T, then that is another reason for people to walk away from this site (as many of us have threatened to do before!).[/u]

Afterthought: and why have we not heard anything recently from the said developers? Sounds like someone is running scared of being "found out". The best thing to do if you have made mistakes is to admit them Quickly and to fix them QUICKLY - need I mention Thomas Cook as a company that has just had to admit that it failed to this, and thus is now reaping its very just "reward" in the form of HUGE bad publicity?

OK, I accept that the above comment could be construed as being OTT, but I do hope I get the point over!
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Posted 21/05/2015 - 09:07 Link
If problems are Java related it is worth checking you have the latest version as updates occur quite frequently. For Windows, go to Control Panel, open Java, go to the Update tab. The latest version of Internet Explorer may help too.
Posted 21/05/2015 - 09:22 Link
davidstorm wrote:
I have a Windows 8.1 laptop at home and a Windows 8.1 laptop at work. On one of the PC's the site runs fast (my home PC) and on the other one it is painfully slow, to the point where it sometimes can't even load the home screen fully and I have to close it down and try again.

Now the technical bit.

- It's nothing to do with the networks I am on, as my work PC is just as bad at home
- It runs much better in Google Chrome on my work laptop than it does in Internet Explorer 11
- I work for a company that develop web applications, I have some knowledge of why there might be a performance issue in IE
- My work laptop has an integrated graphics card that struggles with anything in IE that uses a lot of javascript
- My home PC has a dedicated (fast) graphics card which allows it to steam through and masks any performance issues
- I suspect the site is using a lot of javascript which many PC's will struggle to process quickly, resulting in poor page loading / rendering times
- Google Chrome has a much better javascript engine than IE does, so if anyone is struggling I would recommend trying the site in Chrome as opposed to IE

That's my take on it anyway, probably there are some web developers who will know better (I'm not a developer) but I think it's a reasonable theory.


Thanks David, but there are a lot of people out there that still use IE 11 (or another version) and don't wish to migrate to Chrome, and might find this a bit of the old 'kettle/black/pot' after the 'Microsoft competition lawsuits of last the decade? I don't wish to change browser just for one website and suspect neither do many other people. I like to have the choice the same as we choose to buy Pentax gear.
Always blame the equipment!!!!

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