Sigma 500mm F4.5 Apo EX DG HSM - Pentax AF
I wonder if anyone here acquired it!
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)
What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
Thanks for the heads up. Will give it a workout over the weekend hopefully.
Would be a nice match coupled to a K3iii
" A Hangover is something that occupies the Head you neglected to use the night before".
K1 - Sigma 85mm F1.4, Pentax DFA 150 -450 F4.5 / 5.6, Pentax DFA* 24 - 70 F2.8
Samyang 14mm F2.8, Pentax DFA* 70-200 F2.8, Pentax A 50mm F1.2
K3iii + K3ii + K5iis converted to IR, Sigma 17 - 70 F2.8, Pentax 55 - 300 F4.5 / F5.6 PLM
Interesting bit of Nikonia you have there too
F50 1.7. SMC-FAs 24, 35, 50 1.4, 85, 135. HD-FA15-30, DFA24-70, D-FA*70-200. The SMC-FA Limited Trinity.
Metz 45 CL-4, AF500FTZ. AF540FGZ.
Some Mamiya and some Nikon
Would be a nice match coupled to a K3iii
I will pop it in the post next week for you to try
Can't keep up with you Mike, does this mean you sold the 150-450 and got seller's remorse?
Still got the 150-400mm .... I was interested in trying the 500mm f/4.5 though as I have read very good things about it but could never find one at a reasonable price.
This one was priced very reasonably, would have been silly to pass on it.
One thing I will add though, I am starting to feel the weight, there was a time when I could easily lift a 3/4kg lens body combo and not think anything of it .... not any more.
Well, that didn't stay long.
I wonder if anyone here acquired it!
Well they may have
Thanks for the heads up.
Will give it a workout over the weekend hopefully.
Lol... I had a notion when I posted that this might interest you and when it when it disappeard so quickly I had a strong suspicion who had snapped it up, so it comes as no real surprise to learn I was on the mark.
It certainly looks a beast but I hope you are pleased with it and that it proves a worthwhile purchase by performing well for you in the field. I'll be watching with interest for some results.
Best wishes.
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)
What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
All handheld.
M5IMGP5785 by Mike.Pursey, on Flickr
M5IMGP5803 by Mike.Pursey, on Flickr
M5IMGP5786 by Mike.Pursey, on Flickr
M5IMGP5807 by Mike.Pursey, on Flickr
Looking forward to seeing what else you produce with it and also your thoughts on it.
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)
What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
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912 posts
12 years
Somewhere safe in deepest Lancashire.
Not exactly cheap at nearly £1200.00 but it has a 9.6 rating on Pentax forums:
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)
What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!