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Posted 22/03/2023 - 15:48 Link
A few weeks ago someone mentioned using the correct spec of screwdriver when working on lenses and cameras. I think it was a Japanese spec, different to Philips or Pozidrive. Of cause now I can't remember the name or find the post
Posted 22/03/2023 - 15:52 - Helpful Comment Link
Grumpy GrandPa, Recently Retired.
Gotta K-3iii now, had a K-S2, K50 and so suffering from a relapse and so buying digital camera kit.
Previous addiction has resulted in using Zeniths, Yashicamat, Chinons, Minoltas, Samsungs, Fujis, Cosina, Kodak, Lumix, Canon, Nikon and Pentax etc etc - have tried most makes in the past 50 years. Love cameras - love taking photos even more
Posted 22/03/2023 - 16:27 Link
Yes, it's JIS. And getting a set from a photography products supplier via the usual auction site enabled me to remove a particularly awkward screw from an extension tube without mangling the head of the screw - it really does make a difference!

Posted 23/03/2023 - 18:40 Link
When I replaced the failed aperture solenoid on the K70 I bought this set

Vessel Precision Screwdriver Set TD-56S / +0, 00, 000, 0000, -0.7, -0.9

Very well made and made the job easy. Also very useful for mending grandchildren's toys, they also seem to use JIS screws.

K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.
Posted 23/03/2023 - 19:45 Link
PRYorkshire wrote:
When I replaced the failed aperture solenoid on the K70 I bought this set

Vessel Precision Screwdriver Set TD-56S / +0, 00, 000, 0000, -0.7, -0.9

Very well made and made the job easy. Also very useful for mending grandchildren's toys, they also seem to use JIS screws.

That's the same as I got, just from a different supplier. Agree about them being well made. Hadn't thought about using them for things other than photographic - I will from now on!


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