Progress report on PENTAX's new APS-C-format digital SLR flagship camera: officially named PENTAX K-3 Mark III
Posted 27/10/2020 - 08:02
STILL in development? Not even in production yet even though it was due for release now. There is clearly a feature they are struggling to make work, but you have to ask what is so revolutionary that is taking so long.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 08:24
Did I miss built in GPS? I'm still half asleep after a terrible night so sorry if I missed it.
No idea why it it staking them so long to get this thing out, even with Covid.
I think however my money is safe and I probably won't be buying one.
No idea why it it staking them so long to get this thing out, even with Covid.
I think however my money is safe and I probably won't be buying one.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 08:39
This could be a really good camera for me. I love my K3ii, but would like some marginal improvements everywhere - AF, burst (speed and buffer but mostly recovery after filling the buffer, which doesn't get reported), high ISO (not super high, but if 3200 on K3iii looks like 400 on K3ii that will cover birding and indoors) and some quality of life improvements. Built in wifi is good if there is a good app, don't mind if this is Pentax or third party. I know Mike-P wants some proper modern telephoto lenses and I agree, but I'm not going to be in the market for a 600mm f4 probably ever. I would murder an APS-C 150-600 or similar, but that doesn't exist in fuji-land either. Whether this camera makes sense actually does come down to the experience of looking through the viewfinder, and I can't read that on a spec sheet.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 08:51
RobL wrote:
STILL in development? Not even in production yet even though it was due for release now. There is clearly a feature they are struggling to make work, but you have to ask what is so revolutionary that is taking so long.
STILL in development? Not even in production yet even though it was due for release now. There is clearly a feature they are struggling to make work, but you have to ask what is so revolutionary that is taking so long.
Built-in Teasmade?
Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.
Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 09:06
Aitch53 wrote:
......Built-in Teasmade?
......Built-in Teasmade?
So out-of-date Steve......'s a built-in Latte Frother
Posted 27/10/2020 - 10:13
We've put all the information we could find here
Posted 27/10/2020 - 12:25
LennyBloke wrote:'s a built-in Latte Frother's a built-in Latte Frother
Obvious when you think about it - just another use for the in-body SR mechanism.
Still in 'final development'? Of course. It's got Bluetooth, so they'll be adding an app that lets you know if you're in an area where there's a high risk of encountering a user of a rival brand of camera and whether you've spent more than 15 minutes in close proximity to one of them
More seriously, the name sort of gives away what it is - an evolutionary development of the K3. No big increase in number of pixels - good. Wifi and Bluetooth - excellent, if it works well. Touch screen - OK for those who like poking small screens. Tweaks and improvements in other areas - good if they make a difference in the real world rather than just the world of specs and marketing. 4K video - it's not 99gazillionK so Pentax is doomed.
Would I buy it? Not at the launch price (whatever that might be). And not unless I can convince myself that there's something I really, really want to do that the KIII can and the original K can't. That isn't obvious at the moment.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 12:41
I'm really looking forward to getting mine. I hope it's as nice to use as the original version.
Kris Lockyear
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 14:17
I read on Reddit that the estimated release price, converted directly from Yen, will be around $2500 US. I suspect that this will be an extremely nice camera in every aspect, and a significant upgrade from the preceding K3s and the KP, but that it will be priced well above many FF mirrorless models (and Fujifilm's lovely APS-C mirrorless models too) and that will severely limit it's success. Yes, I know mirrorless isn't for everyone and I know that it will be much better built, weather-sealed etc which FF mirrorless models in the same price bracket won't be, but those are specs that matter less to many people. I'm sure it'll be wonderful and I'd love to have one but I suspect I'll never be able to justify buying one, even if my K3 konks out.
As for the sensor, I'm sure it'll be the standard Bayer array of the 26MP sensor used in the more recent Fujifilm cameras, which is apparently very good but, like many modern sensors, is designed to give a higher read-out speed for video use more than it's designed to improve dynamic range or noise for still photography.
As for the sensor, I'm sure it'll be the standard Bayer array of the 26MP sensor used in the more recent Fujifilm cameras, which is apparently very good but, like many modern sensors, is designed to give a higher read-out speed for video use more than it's designed to improve dynamic range or noise for still photography.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 27/10/2020 - 14:18
February next year Kris. At least that is the latest planning for it that I have seen. I'm looking forward to you getting yours too, so we can see some real life samples before we all fork out our dosh, or don't.
It's becoming nearly as mythical as some of their lenses.
It's becoming nearly as mythical as some of their lenses.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 14:30
Looks very good to me.
Proof will be in the actual handling rather than on paper but I can see it being very successful once the price drops to £1500 rather than the likely £2K.
Looks very well specified as well.
Clever marketing (for a change) to use the K-3III moniker.
Proof will be in the actual handling rather than on paper but I can see it being very successful once the price drops to £1500 rather than the likely £2K.
Looks very well specified as well.
Clever marketing (for a change) to use the K-3III moniker.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 14:45
Looking forward to the new k on the block. Looks and sounds like it will handle really well, combined with great functionality and the promised image quality, what's not to like!? Okay the price might take some swallowing but, only time will tell.
Posted 27/10/2020 - 16:28
1stEverPentax wrote:
Looks very good to me.
Proof will be in the actual handling rather than on paper but I can see it being very successful once the price drops to £1500 rather than the likely £2K.
Looks very well specified as well.
Clever marketing (for a change) to use the K-3III moniker.
Looks very good to me.
Proof will be in the actual handling rather than on paper but I can see it being very successful once the price drops to £1500 rather than the likely £2K.
Looks very well specified as well.
Clever marketing (for a change) to use the K-3III moniker.
You may not have wait, from the horse’s mouth it will be around ¥200,000 which is currently £1469.00 or thereabouts apparently. So neatly priced just below the K1 mkII. The improved autofocus and 4K video will hopefully address the shortcomings perceived in the range.
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