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Problem with Pentax P30n

Peter Elgar
Posted 26/11/2013 - 14:32 - Helpful Comment Link
Tale off the base plate and touch a pin or piece of fuse-Wire into a drop of Sewing Machine Oil in a dish and touch the cogs and moving pivots -- I did my 1960's [b]Asahi Pentax SV, Spotmatic and the F and two Canon FTBn cameras[b] and they all work sweetly now !
Been a member of Pentax Club since the Ron Spillman era! Got COMPUTERISED at last - DIGITISED?
Posted 26/11/2013 - 19:54 Link
Thanks for the tip Peter, the camera is working fine now so I won't be trying to oil it at this stage. I will remember your advice if it jams up again in the future. I still have my Spotmatic 1000 that might need this treatment at some time.

Kind regards, Bob
Old hand, slow fingers.
Posted 09/07/2022 - 06:51 Link
I have what seems to be the exactly the same problem with my P30n... except the mirror is down, and it can't be moved up with knob.
I will try with warming and report the outcome.
Posted 09/07/2022 - 08:46 Link
It works now
Obviously, it is dried grease what is causing this problem.
I will have to open it and lubricate the mechanicals, because the problem is back when camera cools down.
Posted 13/07/2022 - 16:55 Link
Eric Hendrickson says these are good cameras; assembled in China but all parts made in Japan,
and far more reliable than the "plastic Pentaxes" (Eric's words) that followed them i.e. MZ/ZX series.

Chris in New York
Bring back the latent image!
Edited by ChrisPlatt: 13/07/2022 - 16:56

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