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Photoshop Elements 4. To Upgrade ?.

Posted 06/09/2011 - 11:30 Link
I use Photoshop Elements 4, which I have had for several years, I still don’t understand many of the editing features, I manly just use, quick fix or auto smart fix.
The problem is elements 4, does not have the option to up load images to web sites, plus the photo raw, is very limited, I think ?.
All of my images are stored in elements 4, in different catalogues with tags.

The questions are, with later versions of Photoshop elements.

Are later versions, easier to use than version 4.

Will all of the catalogues, tags and images be lost when upgrading.

Is there better/easier photo raw conversion, in later versions.

Which of the later versions have the option to up load images to web sites.

All answers/information will be much appreciated, but anyone that has read any of my previous posts will realise that my computer skills/confidence are near to zero.
So could I please ask that any advice is kept very simple, and if you consider that to change/upgrade to a new programme needs a high computer skill level, just advise, not to try and do it myself, but best left to a software expert.

Many thanks.
Chris R.

I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).
Posted 06/09/2011 - 12:00 Link
Chris- even later Elements don't have the ability to load directly to websites, unless you are in the US.
What they, and PSE 4 have is save for web - which you can use to quickly resize a photo so it is small enough to upload to a hosting site such as Photobucket, or to e-mail easily.
You can also of course resize the photo yourself within Elements.

Later versions have more options and are better. But you need to buy yourself a book or two to go with it so you can learn how to do things.

The Missing manual (for which ever version you buy) is great as a manual, but not so good as a quick tutorial.

You may like Scott Kelby's books. You can probably find his one for PSE 4 really cheaply. I'd let you have mine but it will cost a lot to post - PM me if you are interested though. Try that to start - or look at you library maybe. Learn more about the Elements version you have before moving on to PSE8 or 9, and then learning about all the new features available in them. Worlds better than PSE4
Posted 06/09/2011 - 16:12 Link
Many thanks, Gwyn. I have a “Scott Kelby” book on elements 4, I picked up in PC world a few years ago, on clearance sale, which is far easier to understand than the book that came with the programme, which I found of no or little use at all.

Problem is I go through a procedure step by step, from “Scott Kelby” book, then by the next time I go to use it, the old brain is empty. New tricks, old dog, teach, unable to, I think are the words that are relevant.

I am hoping that the local school, will run an evening class on Photoshop, this winter. So I can be taught, the abc and two times table of Photoshop, if that’s possible. I will probably be put to stand in the corner with the pointed hat on.

Take care and thanks again.
Chris R.

I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).
Posted 06/09/2011 - 16:29 Link
Make sure any class includes teaching Elements, rather than full Photoshop or you could quickly become confused and frustrated.
Learning in a class is always a good way to go though.

It took me several goes at things in the books before I got them too - just persevere. No shame in using a book to help out. I still use my books to help out. I bought a few for PSE9 and dip into each of them as I need them.
Posted 06/09/2011 - 16:37 Link
IIRC they might have moved a few things round in recent versions of PSE. (I have version 7). It might be worth upgrading to PSE9 to save learning where things are, and then having to relearn again. On the other hand, when you are a PSE4 wizz, you'll easily work these things out when you do upgrade
Edited by Pentaxophile: 06/09/2011 - 16:37
Posted 06/09/2011 - 16:42 Link
Ive posted this before but there are some useful video tutorials on this site.

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