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Photoshop CS6 Scanning textured prints

Posted 05/03/2015 - 15:27 Link
I am going through some old textured finish monochrome photographs (lustre?).

I have been getting some highlights very visible on the the open scanned image. Having investigated this there appears to be a plugin called FFT, but there appears to be contradictory comments in various forums (some say it works, others state the contrary, also, I have read that it is no longer available for download(.

I'm now totally confused. Does anyone have the simple resolution to the problem without going into frequancy separation which looks complicated.

Many thanks
Posted 05/03/2015 - 15:31 Link
One of Katrin Eismann's books recommends scanning multiple copies, but turning the print 90 degrees.
It can take a bit of experimentation, but you can then aline the two as layers and effectively pull out just the image content.

Will see if I can find the process...
(For gallery, tips and links)
Posted 05/03/2015 - 15:33 Link
Here are some links:
Restoration & Retouching book (I highly recommend this book for any serious work!)

Pixel by Pixel article

She recommends photographing if the texture is so difficult, rather than scanning
(For gallery, tips and links)
Edited by MattMatic: 05/03/2015 - 15:33
Posted 05/03/2015 - 16:56 Link
Thanks for the links, MM. I've run into problems before in scanning textured prints and those resources look useful. I often resort to photographing troublesome prints and find this produces better results than a scan, although it's far less convenient.

Posted 05/03/2015 - 17:31 Link
Many thanks for the links MM, I'll look into the book as a reference guide.


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