Pentax travel kit
Posted 15/02/2019 - 01:00
I take the K5 with me when traveling. As you say, it is super compact. It's usually accompanied by a Tamron A03 28-200 (unusual lens size of a DA 18-55 that produces very good results). It goes into the classic grey with red piping Pentax shoulder bag with an A series 50mm macro (doubles as a walkaround) and a Jobi shoulder sling. Because the K5 is so light (ish) I can get away with putting it onto a small travel tripod that goes into my normal luggage. Collapsed, it's hardly bigger than the bag and I shove it through the fastening straps to carry it. Kindle goes into the rear compartment, travel docs, mobile phone and passport into the front. Small, compact, very secure and very carryable. Just don't forget to remove any bags of silica gel - they show up as potential drug packets when X-rayed, as I discovered to my considerable inconvenience on one occasion!
Posted 15/02/2019 - 08:42
If I had to do a trip like that with minimal digital gear I'd be very tempted to take my Fujifilm mirrorless and a couple of tiny primes, but I'd miss the feel of using my DA limited lenses, so I'd probably go with my K-3 (same size as K-5) and the DA 21mm, 35mm and 70mm limited primes. If I had to go down to just one lens it'd be the 35mm.
I took film as well as digital gear when I went to New York and had no trouble with films in the airport, or in other places - I believe there were several places (Empire State building for example) which had obligatory x-ray scanners, and my photos showed no damage. I have a couple of film cases which shield (presumably with lead) the films from x-rays and even 400 ISO film should be fine with several trips through airport x-ray scanners. I believe in the US that you have the right to request hand inspection of items but I'm not sure how likely the security people are to comply. In short, I'd take film with me if I wasn't sure about being able to get it there.
I took film as well as digital gear when I went to New York and had no trouble with films in the airport, or in other places - I believe there were several places (Empire State building for example) which had obligatory x-ray scanners, and my photos showed no damage. I have a couple of film cases which shield (presumably with lead) the films from x-rays and even 400 ISO film should be fine with several trips through airport x-ray scanners. I believe in the US that you have the right to request hand inspection of items but I'm not sure how likely the security people are to comply. In short, I'd take film with me if I wasn't sure about being able to get it there.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 15/02/2019 - 09:58
I only have my K5ii so that is my travel camera. I usually take it with the 18-135 on it if travelling light, but more often than not add the 50-135, 60-250 or the Bigma plus my Samyang 14mm incase there is a chance of clear dark skies. The tripod goes too.
No wonder I always checked a suitcase when flying.
Now we only travel by road both big lenses tend to go with me, even if they are very rarely used.
No wonder I always checked a suitcase when flying.
Now we only travel by road both big lenses tend to go with me, even if they are very rarely used.
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950 posts
15 years
This time I will be travelling to Florida and Georgia to visit friends and relatives, but also have time to drive around and explore different areas. I was initially planning to bring my Pentax KX film kit for this travel also, but have started to realise that film photography might be a bit more of a hassle where I will be travelling, than when visiting a large city like NYC. Where can one purchase film? Where can one develop film? And then there is the scanning at airports etc etc. So I have decided against travelling with film this time.
Part of the attraction with a film camera like the Pentax KX is the small size, and I have therefore excluded my DSLRs as potential travel cameras. Then I started to look closer at the Pentax K-5 fitted with a compact prime lens - it really is very compact! Why not just bring my everyday kit: Pentax K-5 and some primes (15mm, 30/40mm and 100mm)
I will be travelling with my Pentax K-5 kit this time
The Pentax MX is one of the smallest SLR cameras ever made, and when comparing the MX and K-5, one can see that the K-5 is quite compact. Is there really a need for a future Pentax mirrorless camera (that some people hope for)? Here is a photo of a Pentax MX + 28mm vs Pentax K-5 + Voigtlander Ultron 40/2.