Pentax SV Shutter Release
We have a KX which had a CLA a few years ago and it operates like new despite being nigh on fourty years old. It's a pity Robin no longer services the 6x7 format cameras though.
Happy shooting with the SV
Getting older and grumpier. Taking longer to decide which lens to use today.
K5 with auto-everything lenses
A collection of manual primes to keep me in touch with the pleasures of doing it old-school.
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98 posts
8 years
Now, years ago, this is a technique I have occasionally been able to use on some cameras when using slow shutter speed where no mirror-lockup function was available but I can do this every time with this camera.
Now I don't have an issue with this other that wondering if it is an undocumented function with the SV or if it is a warning of an imminent malfunction so may I ask if anyone has had this 'problem' or might have further information on.