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Pentax-Ricoh at Tokyo Photographic Show

Posted 26/02/2019 - 05:42 Link
Good Morning everyone.
Pentax is to Exhibit a New Pentax KP Custom - tentative name + D-FA HD 85mm f1.4 * Lens - tentative name - future release at the CP Show 2019 = 2 Reference Products = Tentative Names.
= Link
Goodbye Everyone.
Have a good Pentax day.
Edited by dwbrady: 26/02/2019 - 05:46
Posted 26/02/2019 - 08:25 Link
"Announcement of PENTAX 100 YEARS OF HISOTRY campaign"

Really! even the Firefox spell checker picks that mistake up

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 26/02/2019 - 09:03 Link
It's a shame they don't exhibit at the upcoming Photographic Show at the NEC.
6th Year Apprentice Pensioner
Posted 26/02/2019 - 09:08 Link
dangie wrote:
It's a shame they don't exhibit at the upcoming Photographic Show at the NEC.

How do you know they are not? Last year they weren’t on the exhibitor list until the last minute but were there.
Posted 26/02/2019 - 16:24 Link
RobL wrote:
dangie wrote:
It's a shame they don't exhibit at the upcoming Photographic Show at the NEC.

How do you know they are not? Last year they weren’t on the exhibitor list until the last minute but were there.

Sorry but that's a stupid way of working. If Ricoh/Pentax are going to be there surely it's best to advertise the fact well in advance.
6th Year Apprentice Pensioner
Posted 26/02/2019 - 16:34 Link
Ricoh are emraging users left right and center and are not doing any thing to reverse that trend there was talk what 2 years ago now of a new 645 well that never appeared at present Ricoh are full of empty promises
Posted 26/02/2019 - 16:41 Link
stu62 wrote:
Ricoh are emraging users left right and center and are not doing any thing to reverse that trend there was talk what 2 years ago now of a new 645 well that never appeared at present Ricoh are full of empty promises

Start your own camera company
All the gear with no idea
Posted 26/02/2019 - 17:14 Link
If I had the money I woul try and by Pentax of Ricoh and put a rocket up the arse of the design and technology team closely followed by the promotional team
Posted 26/02/2019 - 18:02 Link
dangie wrote:
RobL wrote:
It's a shame they don't exhibit at the upcoming Photographic Show at the NEC.

How do you know they are not? Last year they weren’t on the exhibitor list until the last minute but were there.

Sorry but that's a stupid way of working. If Ricoh/Pentax are going to be there surely it's best to advertise the fact well in advance.

Perhaps they get a better price jumping in at the last moment in an organiser's 'fire sale.' (Trust not literally! Last time I went into B&M the store was a pile of ashes an hour later! Scary.)
John K
Posted 26/02/2019 - 18:30 Link
It’s more than possible that the exhibition arrangers are slow to populate the exhibitors’ list. These stands require considerable advance planning to fit the allocated space so it’s a fair bet that they have signed up. On the other hand wouldn’t it be nice if the news feed gave us plenty of advance notice which stand it will be?
Posted 26/02/2019 - 21:30 Link
The stand last year at the NEC was well placed and organised....still debating whether to go this year or not.....

lightweight tripod is top of my list for the time being.
AKA Welshwizard/PWynneJ
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff

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