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Pentax 645 help needed, shutter will not fire or advance film to 1st frame

Posted 24/03/2015 - 16:33 Link
bought what I thought was a really clean 645, l have put fresh batteries in, it powers up i.e lcd screen and the red reading in the view finder but l cannot get it to load the film to the first frame, l have loaded the 120 film correctly but when l depress the shutter button nothing happens, l'm gutted and in the need of help

many thanks Mike
Posted 25/03/2015 - 19:06 Link
thanks for the reply, sadly the 645 is still inoperable
Posted 28/03/2015 - 17:49 Link
It happened to me once and it required a new main board. I cant remember how much it cost but it was surprisingly little along with a full overhaul
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
Posted 05/04/2015 - 11:23 Link
Thanks for all the replies chaps, well the 645 went back to the seller and l got a refund minus postage but hey ho not a total loss

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