Pentax, Fuji and...
Both cameras produce stunning results, handle fairly similarly but not identically and cost within the same ballpark figure, maybe the Fuji slightly less expensive, depending on lenses chosen.
Whichever one anyone would like to buy for me I would be happy to use!
Very interesting, but no definitive conclusion. Pentax users will find the 645Z works exactly like any other Pentax DSLR, Fuji users will find the same but relating to the Fuji mirrorless range.
Both cameras produce stunning results, handle fairly similarly but not identically and cost within the same ballpark figure, maybe the Fuji slightly less expensive, depending on lenses chosen.
Whichever one anyone would like to buy for me I would be happy to use!
Heck, I wouldn't mind the 'blad - with a Phase One digital back, of course...
Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.
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11 years
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Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.