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Panagor automatic extension tube set

Posted 23/05/2017 - 23:43 Link
I swear I wanted to read the manual before the house ate it and it disappeared for ever. This extension tube as the aperture lever but I have no clue if it's actually working or not. Green button and aperture preview are not working. How am I supposed to use it? Using with a vivitar 105 Macro using the aperture ring to set the aperture
Posted 24/05/2017 - 01:32 Link
Hard to tell without seeing them. Could it be an earthing issue?
John K
Posted 24/05/2017 - 08:40 Link
the step down metering works without them, should I assume something is wrong?
Posted 24/05/2017 - 11:03 Link
Could it be the same issue as this? :

Comment Image

The scraped away area was required to get an earth return.

Do your tubes have electrical contacts? As I said, its hard to diagnose the problem without seeing it!

I have a set of Jessops auto extension tubes and everything works fine.
John K
Edited by JAK: 24/05/2017 - 11:17
Posted 24/05/2017 - 14:20 Link
No, no electrical contacts it should work like a M lens with the aperture set right before the shot

Ok another question I am experiment now coupling the tube extension with a 2x tele conversion.. Is something someone else tested before? Should I put the tele adapter before or after the tubes?
Posted 24/05/2017 - 14:29 Link
Yes, it should work like an M lens then. M mode and green button metering. Check that the aperture lever is working the aperture mechanism; it should do.
John K
Posted 24/05/2017 - 16:19 Link
if I move the lever myself (using my hands ) the aperture works, however with the camera still don't. I will buy a vivitar a22 series, I can't go wrong with those.
Posted 24/05/2017 - 19:30 Link
Oh well, sorry to hear that. I wonder why it isn't coupling correctly.
John K

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