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Out of Date Film free to a good home.

Daniel Bridge
Posted 09/10/2009 - 18:19 Link
At work we have 10 rolls of Kodak 200 speed 24exp print film that's about 2 years out of date. If anyone wants it for the cost of postage then they're welcome to drop me a line.

No idea what the colours would be like on it, but if nothing else it would be fine for checking whether light seals are okay in your latest ebay bargain.

If anyone's interested I'll find out what the postage would be, just a couple of quid I would think.

K-3, a macro lens and a DA*300mm...
Daniel Bridge
Posted 09/10/2009 - 22:56 Link
'Sold' pending advice of postage costs.

K-3, a macro lens and a DA*300mm...

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