Really hope it's not too serious, and you'll mend quickly
Pentax Lenses 28-80 F, 300 DA*, 80-200 F, 35 F2.4 AL, M50 F1.7, 28-105 DFA, 20 F4 SMC
for your kind words as im sat here with ice packs pain killers and my leg up
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
for your kind words as im sat here with ice packs pain killers and my leg up
Having torn a cartilage over 3 yrs ago (which took 8 months & an MRI scan to diagnose!) I think you might need some very strong painkillers like tramadol - but, careful, they can be addictive (luckily, for me they were not)
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1229 posts
10 years
is ididnt drop my k3ii thank god
but i have exploded my knee cap (i hate black ice)