Only Italy - Pentax stuyff + other for 8x10"
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Fast, sharp 50mm F Series vintage lens from Pentax. John Riley reviews this easily adapted, widely available f/1.7 classic, sharing sample photos, MTF & CA performance charts along with his verdict of this standard length K mount lens.
Photograph titled 'Oyster Fungi' by sueriley selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
12 posts
14 years
Also interested in 5x7" or 8x10" conversion kit (bellows + rear standard) for Linhof Kardan Bi-System 4x5".
I can give Pentax stuff in exchange, both for 6x7 and 35mm/DSRL.
I have also Kiev 60 + Pentacon Six lenses, Leica M and LTM stuff, Rolleiflex and Rollei 35 Sonnar, Kowa 16-H anamorphic lens 2x, plus Manfrotto studio equipments.
I prefer to do the swap in person, here in Italy, but i am eventually open to foreign people, if we can find a way to do it(contemporary Ebay "buy it now" auction?).
contacts in PM
have fun
K-1; K-5 II; K-01; K10D; K200D; 6x7; K2; MX; LX; Super Program; Z-1p