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One picture at a time, please

George Lazarette
Posted 23/06/2010 - 23:39 Link
This is a personal plea for people not to post a load of disparate pictures in a single thread.

First, it's a problem for people on slow connections or with download limits, and

Second, it's true for me and perhaps for others that I will devote less attention to any one picture in a group than I would if only one picture had been posted.

Third, are the people who do this sure that all their pictures really merit bringing to the notice of a wider world? We are bombarded with images in every corner of our lives nowadays, and when I see that somebody has metaphorically emptied the contents of a photograph album into the Your Photos section I tend to reach for the gin bottle, grab a razor, and run a warm bath.

This is in no way meant to discourage people from posting images that they know aren't worthy of comparison with the work of Ansel Adams, but who would like some pointers as to how things could be made better. It's the picture-flooding that I am talking about.

Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 23/06/2010 - 23:43 Link
it's a problem for people on slow connections or with download limits

I for one will second that, I get 1/2 meg broadband.

I tend to reach for the gin bottle, grab a razor, and run a warm bath.

Dont do it George, we'll all miss you.
My Names Alan, and I'm a lensaholic.
My PPG link
My Flckr link
Posted 24/06/2010 - 00:28 Link
George, the use of the plural in thread titles (e.g. Some Pics from the Weekend) is usually indicative that you can expect to see more than one picture. If you object to that, don't click on the thread!

For me, one of the strengths of this site is the Your Photos section, but unfortunately what constitutes a 'disparate' set of images (as opposed to a cohesive set which forms a natural series) is open to interpretation. There are a lot of beginner/improving photographers here, which is great, and sometimes it is useful to post a series of images and learn about which shots work and which don't. Usually this identifies just one or two shots which go on to be discussed in more detail.

I do wish people would spare a thought for those of us with slow download speeds or data limits though - 800 pixels is fine, we don't need the image at original size!

(And George, if you are fed up of being bombarded with images, perhaps this isn't the site for you! )
Edited by Pentaxophile: 24/06/2010 - 00:34
Posted 24/06/2010 - 07:31 Link
Maybe if you need to post a series then post them all at a smaller size 300x300 say with a link to a larger image for those wanting to follow up on an individual shot?


You can see some of my shots at my Flickr account.
Posted 24/06/2010 - 10:31 Link
The single most critical thing is to resize your images to a maximum of 800 pixels wide before you upload them to Photobucket. This was you won't lose sharpness and you won't distort the forum.

A file size of 200K or so is more than enough - see ePHOTOzine for plenty of proof of that. Some very detailed images may mean larger files, but some of the images uploaded are just enormous and it isn't necessary. It just slows things down.

As for multiple images, there's no prohibition, but be aware that you won't get the same attention and feedback as you will from a single image.
Best regards, John
Posted 24/06/2010 - 11:26 Link
I don't mind multiple photos in an entry. However, as John says, it is easier to concentrate on a single image.

What does annoy me is when people include all the images when quoting a post. That is totally unneccesary, and makes you scroll forever.

Pleeeze - when you press the "Quote this post" link, consider removing everything that is not vital for the context.
Best regards

K20D, Optio I10, DA 18-55 1:3.5-5.6 AL II, A 1:1.7/50, D FA 1:2.8/100 Macro, Sigma 70-300 1:4-5.6 APO DG Macro, Pentax AF 360FGZ
Posted 24/06/2010 - 12:33 Link
Un-tick "load images automatically" in your browser, possibly create an exception for images from

Adblock can also block images from any sites you specify.

Firerfox 2 doesn't seem to load images from Photobucket, they must use non-standard code.

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 24/06/2010 - 13:37 Link
But we do want to see images, we just want to limit the numbers. So blocking images in the browser is not the answer.
Best regards

K20D, Optio I10, DA 18-55 1:3.5-5.6 AL II, A 1:1.7/50, D FA 1:2.8/100 Macro, Sigma 70-300 1:4-5.6 APO DG Macro, Pentax AF 360FGZ
Posted 24/06/2010 - 13:46 Link
terje-l wrote:
What does annoy me is when people include all the images when quoting a post. That is totally unneccesary, and makes you scroll forever.

I totally agree Terry! It's totally pointless and totally irritating.

And the same goes for when people quote long-winded posts in their entirety, and then people quote that quote, unedited with the original post within it, and so on - like a Russian doll of quotes.
Edited by Pentaxophile: 24/06/2010 - 13:47
Posted 24/06/2010 - 15:21 Link
I don't think limiting the number of images in a thread is necessarily the way to go, and I say that as one of the unfortunate few whose Broadband is half meg on a good day.

Some pictures only really work when presented as part of a series, and as such it wouldn't be right to force people to show them in isolation. I do think people should perhaps be more selective over what they put into their threads and if it is a number of unconnected pictures, consider splitting them up.

It would also be useful to have an indicator on the Your Photos forum listing to show how many shots are included within.
If you can't say something nice about Pentax, you won't say anything at all.

Posted 24/06/2010 - 18:05 Link
terje-l wrote:
But we do want to see images, we just want to limit the numbers. So blocking images in the browser is not the answer.

I don't see why not? Obviously anyone with slow connections visits other sites that present the same problem as well.

I had to do it when I was with BT, sometimes the line dropped to 25 kbps so I used to block most picture host sites in Firefox (via Adblock)and if I really wanted to see the pics I'd fire up Opera and paste the URL into the "paste and go bar" and it would load everything including Javasript which is turned off in Firefox using NoScript.

Now I'm on 10MB Virgin Cable and pictures aren't a problem although I might do it if I ever visit DP Review again, that site is just ridiculous for slowing your computer down.

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 24/06/2010 - 18:32 Link
If you want to resize photos for faster uploads and downloads try this, link
it's free and fast.

Posted 24/06/2010 - 22:01 Link

If people have slow connections they probably won't dwell too much in the Your Photos section anyway.

I honestly believe that the most effective remedy is to show dicipline when quoting earlier posts in our replies.

I hope, however, that this discussion will not keep people from submitting their photos for praise or critique - whatever fits best.
Best regards

K20D, Optio I10, DA 18-55 1:3.5-5.6 AL II, A 1:1.7/50, D FA 1:2.8/100 Macro, Sigma 70-300 1:4-5.6 APO DG Macro, Pentax AF 360FGZ
George Lazarette
Posted 25/06/2010 - 00:36 Link
robbie_d wrote:

Some pictures only really work when presented as part of a series, and as such it wouldn't be right....

I did write "disparate". By definition, disparate pictures can't be part of a series.

It's really the people who post a whole bunch of pictures that they happened to take one day that I am talking about. It would be nice if they would be selective about what they present.

Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 25/06/2010 - 08:09 Link
On some forums they make you say how many photos in the thread title, e.g. "Half-naked minx, 4 images". Would that work? If all the regulars starting doing that it could catch on.
AF - Pentax K5, Sigma 10-20/4-5.6, Tamron 17-50/2.8, Sigma 30/1.4, Sigma 70-200/2.8, Tamron 70-300/4-5.6
MF - Vivitar CF 28/2.8, Tamron AD2 90/2.5, MTO 1000/11
Stuff - Metz 58 AF1, Cactus v4, Nikon SB24, Raynox 150, Sigma 1.4x TC, Sigma 2x TC, Kenko 2x macro TC, Redsnapper 283 tripod, iMac 27”, Macbook Pro 17”, iPad, iPhone 3G
FlickrFluidrPPGStreetPortfolio site
Feel free to edit any of my posted photos! If I post a photo for critique, I want brutal honesty. If you don't like it, please say so and tell me why!

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