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New 85mm f/1.4 Review

Posted 16/08/2022 - 10:26 Link
It's been a while since a new Pentax lens has been available for review, but thanks to Chris at SRS Microsystems we have been able to cover the HD Pentax-D FA 85mm f/1.4. The review is now live and, as always, and sadly, the lens is packaged up ready for return....parting is such sweet sorrow.....

Hopefully more will follow as they become available. In the meantime, my personal thanks to Chris for his help.
Best regards, John
Posted 17/08/2022 - 10:22 Link
Excellent review, John, thank you. Confirms why I have one, and yes, it's definitely a keeper.
Be well, stay safe, but most of all, invest in memories
Posted 17/08/2022 - 11:17 Link
Yes, thanks John for your one-day review of this superb lens - I'm sure you'd have preferred a longer review period but apart from your written words it is clear from your sample images just how good this lens is at maximum aperture. If this is the standard set by this, and the earlier DFA*50/1.4, then I look forward to the next lens in their Star series.

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