I've used the K version of this lens wide open on bright comets unguided with nice results.
Questions - Guided exposures? Exposure time per image? F stop? ISO? My guess this is the full APS image size as it a large nebula.
I've used the K version of this lens wide open on bright comets unguided with nice results.
Mike.... Info as requested
The camera and lens were mounted on an unguided, but tracking Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer 2i Pro. The image is also cropped, it's roughly two thirds of the original image.
Exposure info - 18 x 60 secs, f4, iso1600
Stacked and stretched in Siril (free and highly recommended), then PP'd in PS.
What has really impressed me about this lens, is its really manageable CA wide open. Even before PP it was really good. Well worth investing in one of these for astro work.
I am planning more shots with it, and when I figure out how how to rig it with a guide scope and cam, it will be a guided session.
At the beginning there was nothing... which exploded
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1091 posts
16 years
Peak District
The North American Nebula to be precise!
This was taken with a recently acquired Pentax M 200mm f4 lens. It was on my K5ii and shot with a Cokin Clearsky LPF. It's 18 images stacked.
At the beginning there was nothing... which exploded