my fix of the K-30 aperture problem without disassembly
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.
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1 posts
2 years
A few days ago I got a problem with my K-30. Until now I didn't knew, that this seems to be a common problem with the K-30 / K-50 series.
Pictures I have taken were totally underexposed. So obviously there must have been an error with the aperture control. Also in live view an underexposed preview was shown.
I just did the following and since then, this error never ever occurred again:
1.) Go to the camera menu to button customization and define the raw/FX button to "optical preview".
2.) Use Manual or AV mode and dial in an aperture other than open wide.
3.) Press the raw/FX button 10 to 20 times ( I did so). Every press you should hear the aperture lever working.
4.) Take some shots. At this point my K-30 did correct exposures with some exceptions. So I repeated the procedure until no wrong exposure occurred. I had to repeat step 3.) 3 times. Since then my camera works without any errors.
Maybe I was just lucky that this trick brought my copy back to working condition. Maybe if you have the same problem give it a try and your camera comes back to life again.