Mobile Phone Apps for browsing C41 negatives quickly
Posted 11/11/2021 - 18:40 - Helpful Comment
Anything but a "phone camera" expert here and can't give any real recommendations as to which phone would be best (FWIW, I bought a dual-SIM Motorola G30 earlier this year and I quite like it, but I'll virtually never use it to take photos!), nor which Apps to use for your purpose.
Nevertheless, I can recommend using a GiffGaff SIM because I/ you can choose pretty much any combo of minutes/ data/ texts to suit individual requirements - and then change that combo on a monthly basis. FWIW, WHICH magazine regularly gives GiffGaff "top marks" for value & general service levels in their mobile services reviews.
Nevertheless, I can recommend using a GiffGaff SIM because I/ you can choose pretty much any combo of minutes/ data/ texts to suit individual requirements - and then change that combo on a monthly basis. FWIW, WHICH magazine regularly gives GiffGaff "top marks" for value & general service levels in their mobile services reviews.
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Posted 11/11/2021 - 19:19
I have found my mobile phone to be very valuable during this pandemic. If 3 years ago someone had said there would be a need for the NHS and local surgeries to keep everyone updated regularly with medical advice; book vaccination appointments; use track and trace apps; check into venues; and maintain an up to date vaccine record, I would have laughed at the possibility that it could be done.
Well it has been done, and very effectively. If you dont want to use a mobile phone for your health (but just for photography !) then phone the landline number they provide or just go and get the test at a chemist.
Well it has been done, and very effectively. If you dont want to use a mobile phone for your health (but just for photography !) then phone the landline number they provide or just go and get the test at a chemist.
My Flickr page
My Flickr page
Posted 11/11/2021 - 20:29 - Helpful Comment
I have used the "FilmLab" app on my iPhone for some years now, and find it very useful as a "pre-scanning" device, both for C41 and B&W negatives. The negatives are placed on top of a basic (but good) Kaiser light table, and scanned/photographed with the FilmLab app. After having found negatives that I am happy with, I often do a proper scan on a film scanner.
Posted 11/11/2021 - 20:50
pschlute wrote:
I have found my mobile phone to be very valuable during this pandemic. If 3 years ago someone had said there would be a need for the NHS and local surgeries to keep everyone updated regularly with medical advice; book vaccination appointments; use track and trace apps; check into venues; and maintain an up to date vaccine record, I would have laughed at the possibility that it could be done.
Well it has been done, and very effectively. If you dont want to use a mobile phone for your health (but just for photography !) then phone the landline number they provide or just go and get the test at a chemist.
I have found my mobile phone to be very valuable during this pandemic. If 3 years ago someone had said there would be a need for the NHS and local surgeries to keep everyone updated regularly with medical advice; book vaccination appointments; use track and trace apps; check into venues; and maintain an up to date vaccine record, I would have laughed at the possibility that it could be done.
Well it has been done, and very effectively. If you dont want to use a mobile phone for your health (but just for photography !) then phone the landline number they provide or just go and get the test at a chemist.
As of 01/Oct/2021 you cannot just rack up at a chemist and ask for some free test kits, you have
to get this poxy code (which my village chemist did not validate or ask for any ID).
Posted 11/11/2021 - 20:51
bjolester wrote:
I have used the "FilmLab" app on my iPhone for some years now, and find it very useful as a "pre-scanning" device, both for C41 and B&W negatives. The negatives are placed on top of a basic (but good) Kaiser light table, and scanned/photographed with the FilmLab app. After having found negatives that I am happy with, I often do a proper scan on a film scanner.
I have used the "FilmLab" app on my iPhone for some years now, and find it very useful as a "pre-scanning" device, both for C41 and B&W negatives. The negatives are placed on top of a basic (but good) Kaiser light table, and scanned/photographed with the FilmLab app. After having found negatives that I am happy with, I often do a proper scan on a film scanner.
Yippee, this is what I wanted to hear. What sort of phone do you use ?.
Posted 11/11/2021 - 21:24
Posted 12/11/2021 - 01:39
I recently had to get a new phone with duel sim as my wife after her stroke isn't much good on the phone so I have her sim in with mine. In all the reviews the one which is highly praised at a good price is the POCO 3. Either the NFC or the slightly more expensive PRO. I got the 3 NFC. Also there is still at least one lot that still do a PAYG at a reasonable price and that is . Would you believe it. ASDA. I changed from 3 as they put up their prices by 400 and 500%. The POCO 3 NFC has 4 cameras on the back as well as the usual front selfie one. I don't use the camera but it's supposed to be quite good.
Born again biker with lots of Pentax bits. Every day I wake up is a good day. I'm so old I don't even buy green bananas.
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28 posts
17 years
I have a huge collection of C41 negatives from years gone by and my mechanical
house keeping (and brain) is not as good as Lightroom or similar.
Having avoided buying a mobile phone since whenever, I now find I am being
forced to join this club by all and sundry organisations, the latest being NHS test and trace !.
I went to a funeral recently but 2 days later a cousin phoned and said a distant relative had tested
+ve for lateral flow and PCR. I then tried to get a code via and guess
what ?. Even though I do all my financial stuff online, this website has made mobile phone number
a mandatory field !. FGS loads of older people don't have mobiles. Phoning 119 is a pain too.
Even with the code, the chemist just asked me how many boxes I wanted and wrote the code on
clipboard. I didn't have to provide any identitiy or sign anything. I might just have well as given
them the product code on my Win 7 Pro installation DVD.
Anyway, rant over, I am now looking for a suitable phone but the problem is there is far too much
choice. Cousins I went to the funeral with had older Motorola G9? or something and the Google
maps app was definately as good as a Sat Nav, but something that would be useful is an App that
I could wave over a set of C41 negs in their translucent holders, on a light source, and instantly see
the actual pictures like a real-time contact sheet. Do any phones have this feature built-in ?.
I gather there are a few (apps) but most are junk, like FilmBox and the Kodak one, but something
called FilmLab is mentioned on a couple of Youtube videos. I have a decent, but 13-YO dedicated
slide and negative scanner to do the actual scans, I just need something that does a quick-n-dirty
scan so that I can decide a) what I have already scanned (!!) and b) if I need a repeat scan.
Also, a phone that is #1 for photos and a longer life battery is of more interest that one that does
a million and one silly things that I will never need to do.
What do other folks use for a) phone hardware (make, version), b) network and c) Apps ?.
NB I do't want any scanning apps that locks the user into a continuous repeatable payment like
Amazon prime always tries to do. I am happy paying a one-off price. For the phone I
would be happy with a PAYG type where the credit does not vanish at the end of every
month but it seems that this type of deal is no longer available, is this correct ?.