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Posted 15/07/2022 - 08:30 Link
Just a quickie, I have two other camera brands apart from my K1 but the camera adjustments and menus on the K1 are so much better. Neither of the others has the shortcut menu, one has a similar display but adjustments have to be done deep diving into the menu. I explored multi-exposure in one, found it would only do two (K1 does 2000!) unless I go through an elaborate process of preselecting shots to blend in-camera afterwards. What a faff! Also outdoors in daylight the rear screens are less easy to read so having to scroll through menu settings just to change something the Pentax has a button for or is in the shortcut menu is too time-consuming to bother with.

I suspect reviewers who are inured to their own brands’ operating systems don’t appreciate how superior Pentax cameras are in this regard.
Posted 15/07/2022 - 09:10 Link
An attribute of Pentax that I appreciate each time I use my camera is the ergonomic design, something that the designers have prioritised. This applies to the camera configuration menus as you have described, as well has the physical design.

Mrs LTL has long since gotten bored with me commenting on good design when I see it.

Getting older and grumpier. Taking longer to decide which lens to use today.

K5 with auto-everything lenses
A collection of manual primes to keep me in touch with the pleasures of doing it old-school.
Posted 15/07/2022 - 09:19 Link
I did a photography event a few years ago where the instructor told us attendees to make a certain adjustment. Can't remember what it was, but for me it was 2 button presses.

It took nearly 5 minutes before the rest of the attendees had made the same adjustment, a number requiring the help of the instructor.

Even those who knew their kit well took a lot longer than I did.

I was the only person shooting Pentax.
Edited by JohnX: 15/07/2022 - 09:20
Posted 15/07/2022 - 12:39 Link
JohnX, I was on a multi-exposure course with Valda Bailey (I actually thought it was a landscape session!) when going around the small group she said so-in-so’s Sony needed a special app downloaded, a Canon did up to 8 and Nikon up to 10 blended exposures. Their smug looks soon changed when she then said my Pentax did up to 2000!

Longtimelurker, yes the first impression just picking up a camera tells me whether to bother investigating further. I have tried this on several highly regarded models and put them straight back down so next time someone tells you the Fuji XT-4 or whatever it is is so much better than the KIII mk 3 just ask them if they have actually handled one!
Edited by RobL: 15/07/2022 - 12:44
Posted 15/07/2022 - 15:35 Link
Re. all of the above - I've found exactly the same re. the menu. Muscle memory also plays its part obviously, but it helps to have a process that's logical and easy to follow.
Be well, stay safe, but most of all, invest in memories
Posted 15/07/2022 - 18:48 Link
Totally agree, on my Sony R100 you have to scroll through the menus to find the function you want. On the K3iii I have programmed the Info menu for all the functions I use regularly, just 1 press and I can change the setting I want.

K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.

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