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Meeting up with southerners.. the epilogue.

Posted 10/03/2007 - 20:36 Link
Hi all,

seems I got here first, so here's a couple of shots of St. Albans' Abbey..

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ist* DL | FA 100-300 (@100) | 1/4000 sec @f4.5 | ISO 200

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ist* DL | DA 18-55 (@43) | 1/350 sec @f13 | ISO 200

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ist* DL | DA 18-55 (@18 ) | 1/80 sec @f9.5 | ISO 200 | (perspective adjusted slightly)

The last was taken nearly flat on my back, and has been posted as testament to the fact that in a group, you don't feel silly doing such things..

I beleive Taliety has a similar shot..

And as an edit.. the towers add to the spikes on the fence.. of course I intended that exact effect when I took the shot.. ahem.



"Make your hands respond to what your mind demands." Jesse James

Best wide-angle lens? Two steps backward. Look for the 'ah-ha'. Ernst Haas
Posted 10/03/2007 - 20:53 Link
Drat and double drat I was trying to get my retaliation in first. Great to meet you all. Sorry that we seem to have misplaced Peter Elgar.

50-200mm DA, 1/400 @ F8.0 @ 200mm, ISO 100

Bottoms Up!

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EDIT:- just finished fiddling with these:-

50-200mm DA, 1/80 @ F7.1 @ 200mm + 2x converter, ISO 100
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16-45mm DA, 1/160 @ F4.0 @ 29mm, ISO 800
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Tim the Ammonyte
K10D & sundry toys
Daniel Bridge
Posted 10/03/2007 - 21:08 Link
Not far behind (and talking of behinds, I like your duck Tim!).

Had a fun time today, enjoyed meeting up with you all. As Liam said on the other thread, we will do it again, perhaps south of London.

Anyway, here are five that I like that I took today, I think my favs are the last three...

Those trees...
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It's Tim!
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The Abbey
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Stained Glass light on pillars
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Flower arrangement in Abbey
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All with 16-45 on my istD.

George Lazarette
Posted 11/03/2007 - 12:55 Link
Some great pics there, chaps. Well done.

Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 11/03/2007 - 13:05 Link
Got to agree with George but Tim's Duck is a peach, the DA 50-200 is a must for part of a walk about kit, fanstatic value for money.
LBA is good for you, a Lens a day helps you work, rest and play.
Posted 11/03/2007 - 17:45 Link
McBrian wrote:
Got to agree with George but Tim's Duck is a peach, the DA 50-200 is a must for part of a walk about kit, fanstatic value for money.

agreed, and fantastic performance for size and weight too, it just nestles happily in the bottom of my long nosed bag waiting quitetly for when I need it.

It's particularly good value for the price I paid for it, since I got it free with my *istDL2 last summer when Jessops were doing their exclusive deal thing.
Posted 11/03/2007 - 18:40 Link
Forgot to ask earlier. where's the group mug shot : ..................

Don't tell me were all camera shy
LBA is good for you, a Lens a day helps you work, rest and play.
Posted 11/03/2007 - 21:30 Link
Here's a few I took (all K10D with FA*24/2) -

Daniel Bridge and LiamD chimping. Peter Elgar with his Pentax 67:

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Peter's young son Hughie - NOT USING PENTAX!!:

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St Albans Cathedral (I guess we all took this shot )

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Peter Elgar
Posted 11/03/2007 - 21:58 Link
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Here's a 'Group Shot' of Pentaxers 'looking furtive' taken by 7 year old Hughie Elgar on outdated Boots film (Fuji 400). I developed his film but have not got all MY results; the 120 Velvia will be sent off Monday. Here are a couple on 1995 vintage Pan F ......
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Been a member of Pentax Club since the Ron Spillman era! Got COMPUTERISED at last - DIGITISED?
Posted 11/03/2007 - 22:27 Link
Not a peep out of Taliety yet! I'm still working on it. Finally got the computer to run SilkyPix and PhotoLab, but still a bit slow. All I've got to do now is find somewhere to host them, et VOILA, I hope to have a few pics up tomorrow. Sorry, no mug shots, but I could enhance one and produce a reasonable collection of enthusiats

Just discovered how amazing RAW is to work in. JPEGs just don't compare. Glad I was saving in RAW and jpeg, or I'd have thrown this lot.


Life? Don't talk to me about life!
Posted 11/03/2007 - 23:29 Link

as Taliety and Reuben don't seem to be included above.. well you haven't escaped.

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L to R; Daniel - Reuben - Taliety

(Taliety, I'll refer to you as is, as I don't know if you've ever used your first name here, and it wouldn't be right of me to divulge it without your permission)

Just need a closer one of Tim for the full set now.



"Make your hands respond to what your mind demands." Jesse James

Best wide-angle lens? Two steps backward. Look for the 'ah-ha'. Ernst Haas
Posted 12/03/2007 - 00:04 Link
Well I spent the day hiding behind my beard! Thanks for the nice comments about the Drake's behind.

Went to Twickenham today and rattled off 200 shots through my 70-300 FA-J lens. Good day, and we beat the cheese-eating surrender-monkeys!
Tim the Ammonyte
K10D & sundry toys
Posted 12/03/2007 - 13:05 Link
Liam, I can't access the photo you've posted of the group.

Thanks for the privacy. I've never used my real name first or last on any postings, here or elsewhere, but I may change that, just for my first name.

Tim, I meant to say last night, I'll never look at a duck's ass in the same way again. Terrific shot, I looked at the time and didn't see the beauty you captured.


Daniel Bridge
Posted 12/03/2007 - 17:33 Link
The beard only worked 99% of the time Tim...

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Mike Pearson
Posted 12/03/2007 - 19:24 Link
Great shots guys - but way too much hair for me - that's why I always wear a hat to minimize the glare!


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