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LR- copy preset changes from one photo to multiple or apply changes to multiple images simultaneously

Posted 11/02/2016 - 00:52 Link
I've tried googling this but don't have a definitive answer. I'm using LR 6 desktop.
I have several preset packages. For each photo I apply several presets, e.g. dps quick adjustments 'noise reduction 2 medium', 'sharpening 2 medium', dps plush portraits 'peas in a pod' for most colour photos.

Can I copy the changes/presets that I applies to one photo to multiple other photos? I see the 'Copy' button but this seems only to have some default settings and not the presets from the preset package that I bought. I also see the 'previous' button,which copies the changes I applied from the previous photo to the current one but not to multiple.

If this isn't possible then is it possible to edit/apply presets to multiple images simultaneously?

Either of these would save me hours...
I'm going to learn LR properly but have a wedding that I want & need to finish editing.
Thanks in advance,
Pa where every post have a musical reference as it's title.
Posted 11/02/2016 - 01:28 - Helpful Comment Link
First up this works best if you shot everything in manual or similar, to guarantee you've got consistency across the images. If the exposure or white balance changes often then you don't actually want to sync across them all.


Edit one image.

Then down the bottom, hold control and click the other image/s you want to applies the changes to.
I think the shift key does the multiple selection thing also, which is kinda normal windows behaviour really.
(assumed a windows OS machine?)

Then press the Sync button, lower right hand side of the controls.

This should bring up an option menu to identify which exact characteristics you want to sync. Clicking all is quick and does everything, but be careful about this if you've used a clone spot healer to remove spots etc, as this will be copied across to all other images, giving you a spot removal point even when that spot is not in the actual photo.

Hit the Sync button.

Job done.

Adobe have some cool training info videos on this sort of stuff.

Also, if you find yourself always applying the same combination of 'presets' or adjustments regularly, then once you've done them once, you can save that stage as a preset of your own, which when applied will get you back to that spot in one click.
Edited by richandfleur: 11/02/2016 - 01:31
Posted 15/02/2016 - 21:25 Link
The other way is to select the multiple photos first and then apply your presets
[i]Bodies: 1x K-5IIs, 2x K-5, Sony TX-5, Nokia 808
Lenses: Pentax DA 10-17mm ED(IF) Fish Eye, Pentax DA 14mm f/2.8, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8, Pentax-A 28mm f/2.8, Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC, Pentax-A 50mm f/1.2, Pentax-A 50mm f/1.4, Pentax-FA 50mm f/1.4, Pentax-A 50mm f/1.7, Pentax DA* 50-135mm f/2.8, Sigma 135-400mm APO DG, and more ..
Flash: AF-540FGZ, Vivitar 283
Posted 16/02/2016 - 21:30 Link
It seems that when I click 'copy' I have to select 'check all' for the presets from the previous photo to apply to the next one/ones. I would have thought that when I click 'copy' it would take all the changes/presets by default.
Pa where every post have a musical reference as it's title.
Posted 16/02/2016 - 21:56 Link
dinneenp wrote:
It seems that when I click 'copy' I have to select 'check all' for the presets from the previous photo to apply to the next one/ones. I would have thought that when I click 'copy' it would take all the changes/presets by default.

The software is giving you the option to be "selective" in what you are applying from one image to the next. as Richard mentioned youit may not be wise to copy ofer brush strokes, spot heals etc. so you can deselect them in the copy dialog.
LBA is good for you, a Lens a day helps you work, rest and play.
Posted 16/02/2016 - 22:15 Link
Make your changes to one.
Select the other photos you want to sync those changes to.
Press Sync.
Pick the bits you want to sync, using all or none buttons to potentially speed this up.
Press go or apply or whatever that button is.

It's faster than it took me to write all that above. Super fast, super easy.
Edited by richandfleur: 16/02/2016 - 22:16

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