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looking for a Vivitar 28mm f2.0 close focus

Posted 12/11/2019 - 18:06 Link
hi, I'm looking to buy a vivitar 28mm f.20 close focus mt new default lens. I currently have the olympus OM zuiko 28mm f3.5 and love it's colours (colours are like the most important thing to me in lenses, more than sharpness). But paired with the xe-1, one i step into indoors, f3.5 just doesn't work anymore, so i'm looking to buy the vivitar 28mm f2.0 close focus for mostly street, and architecture.

Does anyone have one lying around that you don't use often?

Posted 12/11/2019 - 20:52 Link
You are more likely to find Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus version, as the F2.0 version is still a sought after lens and when they do appear for sale, command a high price, especially the PKA version.

A possible alternative might be the Cosini/Petri 28mm f2.0 lens. Admittedly not quite as close focusing but rated by some, well built and readily available.

Good luck.
C.O.L.B.A.S victim
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)

What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
Posted 12/11/2019 - 23:45 Link
Both Komine and Kiron versions of the 28/2 are good lenses and worth looking for. Make sure you check for sticky aperture blades, apparently a common problem.

I'm not selling either of mine though
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses

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