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Lightroom Colour Profiles

Posted 26/05/2020 - 11:02 Link
Hi all,
I thought I'd post a ZIP file containing QPcard-generated Lightroom colour profiles for:

• *ist-D
• K10D
• Samsung GX20
• K5
• K5ii
• K5iis
• K3
• MX1
• Q

I've found that these profiles (for RAW) produce much more realistic grass colours, better reds, and truer lilac/purple colours. They've been my assign-on-import into Lightroom settings for years.

There's also the LCP (Lens Correction Profiles) for the MX1 in RAW and JPG mode.

The ZIP file contains the DCP + LCP files - you'll need to move them into the appropriate directories for Lightroom. Then, under camera calibration, choose the colour profile (not Adobe Standard!).

Be aware that some film-emulation packs etc will force the colour profile back to Adobe Standard (so you'll need to tweak that after assigning!).

Hope you find them useful!
(For gallery, tips and links)

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