Can anyone tell me whether Lightroom 3 will work with MS Windows 11, please?
Thanks in anticipation
It took quite a bit of fighting to get Lightroom 4.4 to work with Windows 10 so I wouldn't hold your breath. The main problem was scaling until I found the right setting in Windows (everything was so small you couldn't see the icons or read the menus). Even now turn the "lightbox" feature (where you make everything black except the image) doesn't work properly (half the image goes black too).
I'm starting to investigate alternatives to Lightroom which is a shame because I really like it. I just do not want to get locked-in to a subscription system which will be fine until I cannot afford it...
Best wishes, Kris.
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Lightroom version 4.x or later.
Lightroom Classic version 10.x or later.
Photoshop version 22.x or later.
I have just installed LightRoom 6.14 on a new Windows 11 laptop.
The biggest problem was finding the program - I purchased LR 6.0 a few years ago as a CD and always updated it finishing with 6.14 when the product went out of support - because I had only installed it on one device I knew I was allowed to put it on my new laptop, but when I did and then clicked the check for updates link I was informed that it was up to date (at V6.0)!
Some googling showed many users had similar problems and adobe had removed the link for any versions of LR6 from their support and downloads area eventually I found an adobe URL for the .exe (there are plenty of non Adobe site links to an .exe file claiming to be LightRoom - but I wouldn't trust any of those!) and was able to download and install.
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204 posts
14 years
Thanks in anticipation