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leaf out of the book

Posted 31/07/2016 - 20:26 Link
Today sunday a beautiful day for walking round some nice place
today was a trip to wadderston manor in buckinghamshire where by chance there was a panasonic stand showing off there cameras but showing them off with a differance
the differance was they was giving them to you ie the camera off your choice and say bugger off round the grounds and use it for a hour see what you think
the thing is do you think pentax would do the same nice if they did
(oh and we was given a 4gig memory card which we was alowed to keep)
Posted 31/07/2016 - 21:16 Link
I think the difference Stu would be that they would quickly realise what great cameras the Pentax's were and Pentax would never get them back again!!
Posted 31/07/2016 - 21:19 Link
lol only mebers of the national trust got them the otheres had to leave there credit cards lol

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