Last of the K3s a good bargain choice?
Posted 05/02/2017 - 17:45
The sterling exchange rate may be helping you at the moment. Only you can decide whether to take the plunge or not though!
John K
Posted 05/02/2017 - 18:22
The Forint/Sterling exchange rate is pretty stable actually. I have most of my earnings at the moment in Sterling so it doesn't have much impact yet!
At £550 or so it is becoming tempting as then I would be sorted for another 5-6 years or so and I am sure once the kids are a little older I will be able to get some more actual photography done........ The K3 II is still £800 or so and that is too much. I would miss my top LCD screen too much to go for any lower specified models.
At £550 or so it is becoming tempting as then I would be sorted for another 5-6 years or so and I am sure once the kids are a little older I will be able to get some more actual photography done........ The K3 II is still £800 or so and that is too much. I would miss my top LCD screen too much to go for any lower specified models.
K5, K200 and several film Pentax cameras!
Posted 05/02/2017 - 18:38
Posted 05/02/2017 - 19:08
JohnX wrote:
Seen this?
Seen this?
No hadn't. Have now!
K5, K200 and several film Pentax cameras!
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438 posts
15 years
I was only going to buy replacement cameras used from now on but SRS have them new for the used price locally in Hungary. Possibly not going to be able to hold out for anything coming up new as they would be a bit too expensive!
Worth snaffling? Or wait a few more years until it's replacement comes down to that level and hope the K5 lasts. I would be keeping the K5 regardless.