K3II weird colour casts from frame to frame
Maybe digital filters?
It was odd the way it took images with the casts in the same order twice. Does anyone know what order it shoots pixel shift?
Anyway I shall be out with it again tomorrow and see if I can give it a lot of use.
This is not a filter, it's a JPG rendering engine option. You don't see it until you actually review the JPGs. I turn it on accidently quite often when toggling between the AF select points and regular 4 button controller functions. It's a poor design imo.
Problem solved, thank you.
Yes it does seem to be a design flaw, would be better if you had to press another button to get the four way to work. Anyway at least it gave the K5 an airing
I've got the same problem with my K-3 (original) but now I have an idea on how to sort it - but please could someone (Mag07?) explain in a little more detail what I must have done and how to fix it?
Many Thanks again.
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6376 posts
18 years
After checking the menu setting etc and a few more shots I came to the conclusion the camera thought it was in pixel shift mode (it wasn't) I continued the day using the K5 and had a further look at the K3II later on.
After another check of the menu I tried 4 test shots followed by a further 4, the results were the same a blue cast image followed by red then yellow then a slight green, on the off chance the LCD wasn't playing up I switched to live view, everything looked OK so I snapped a few frames, all the images were fine too. On switching back to viewfinder the camera started taking images normally ???
Has anyone experienced this with the K3II or even have any suggestions, please tell me I don't have to mess about returning the camera for repair.
My PPG link
My Flckr link