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K20D body as new - (K-7 arrived)

Posted 05/01/2010 - 10:58 Link
Before putting the camera up for sale on eBay, I wanted to give real Pentax lovers a first chance.
Original box and manuals (Dutch and French) plus Magic Lantern book in English
Posted 05/01/2010 - 11:11 Link
What sort of price did you have in mind?
Best regards, John
Posted 05/01/2010 - 14:19 Link
Good question. What would you offer for it? I also have a brand new weather resistant 18-55 F3.5 that I won't be needing. The set sells here for 900€ (about 800£) new.
So the closer to that amount the happier I would be
Posted 05/01/2010 - 14:24 Link
If you want to sell it here offering a realistic price will be the most helpful thing for you. eBay might fetch you £500 or so, but then there's the cost of fees, which is substantial these days.

I'm just pointing out that things sell much better if a price is quoted.
Best regards, John
Posted 05/01/2010 - 14:55 Link
I agree with John - without a price, a photograph or two, and a lot more information about its condition and use (eg how many shutter clicks) you might struggle to get much interest. £800 is massively optimistic too - look hard enough in the UK and you could buy a new set for quite a lot less than that.

Some occasional random stuff at The Photographers Block: link
Posted 05/01/2010 - 16:00 Link
500£ seems reasonable. How do I include pictures in my posting? And finally, where can I read the # of clicks? The last picture number was somewhere over 4000, but my brand new K-7 already shows over 5000, so I am not sure this is very dependable.
Posted 05/01/2010 - 17:14 Link
To find shutter count you need to look for "exif tool" on google. It will tell you shutter count, people on eBay would ask you save questions.

Also you can upload pics to flick and post a link here or use < img > tag, without spaces.
Posted 05/01/2010 - 17:30 Link
just to add a couple of pence worth of info re pricing - warehouseexpress having a clear out. I picked up a D20 today -ex demo - body only £349. A total of 365 shutter activations according to the exiftool mentioned by dantum above.
Posted 05/01/2010 - 17:51 Link
Ah. Ok thks. In fact the shuttercount is 5364.
Link to pictures
Posted 05/01/2010 - 18:10 Link
Lynton wrote:
just to add a couple of pence worth of info re pricing - warehouseexpress having a clear out. I picked up a D20 today -ex demo - body only £349. A total of 365 shutter activations according to the exiftool mentioned by dantum above.

Got yourself a bargain there - although it must have been a one off as they dont appear to have anything other than Kx and K7's now.
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." Terry Pratchett

Flickr Photostream
Posted 05/01/2010 - 18:16 Link
isdky - certainly did - check their bargain basement clearout section - only K7's and K'ms listed in their main pages........ helps they are 15 mins away from me as well.

When I was there today they had another K20 with a 18-55 lens I think for £470 but think it was missing a charger & video lead...........
Posted 05/01/2010 - 18:25 Link
mine is complete

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