K-7 body for sale 8831 clicks
Also has it got an English manual and any Guarantee?
Shutter count?
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
I have both the Dutch and French manual in print, but I believe the CD contains a.o. the English version. Not sure if there is any guarantee left - I bought it last year.
The shuttercount is in the subject line: 8831
I have the original box etc.
For the suspicious minds: I wanted to offer it here is because I wanted to give preference to the Pentax User Club before flogging it locally or on ebay.
I have been a Pentax afficionado ever since my ME 30 years ago and have owned every model DSLR + various analog models + 645N (and saving for the 645D)
The English manual can be downloaded from Pentax.
They used to also sell it as a book.
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
I also have the Magic Lantern manual that I am happy to include.
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31 posts
15 years
Anybody interested in my 'old' K-7?
I am willing to part with it for 550£ postage to the UK included.
Original box