k-5 focussing DA*50-135 at f2.8
It doesn't look at all bad on my [email protected] and a metre distance you will have a very shallow dof..don't think you really have much to worry about...Regards...Ken
Concert photography
Currently on a Pentax hiatus until an FF Pentax is released
use your focus points not focus and recompose.
this will save me expliaing it.
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32 posts
16 years
-at around a meter or so the DoF is a few millimetres
-there is no real guidance on how big the focus area really is
Attached is an example image (my first attempt at attaching an image, so forgive me if it doesn't work) that to my mind is out of focus i.e. far eye rather than near eye.
Am I being too fussy, or expecting too much?
Pentax K-3/DA 18-135mm WR/DA 18-250mm/DA*50-135/Tamron 70-300/AF360FGZ/Manfrotto 055XPROB/a few other bits and pieces